I saw Greta Thunberg punching a swan

A new poetry book hits the shelves

London, England May 11, 2023 (Issuewire.com)  - Tony Hickson, a witty and irreverent new voice in poetry, has released a hilarious new book titled "I Saw Greta Thunberg Punching a Swan."

In this collection of comedic poems, Tony takes aim at our society's obsession with political correctness and the absurdity of some of our most cherished beliefs. From poking fun at social l media influencers to lampooning the nation's obsession with sex, this book is a must-read for anyone looking for a good laugh.

One of the highlights of the book is the title poem, "I Saw Greta Thunberg Punching a Swan," which imagines the teenage climate activist letting off some steam by engaging in some fowl play. It's just one example of the clever wordplay and unexpected twists that make this collection such a joy to read.

Tony is a natural storyteller with a sharp sense of humor, and "I Saw Greta Thunberg Punching a Swan" showcases his talent for combining satire and comedy in a way that is both hilarious and thought-provoking.

If you're looking for a break from the seriousness of everyday life, pick up a copy of "I Saw Greta Thunberg Punching a Swan" and prepare to be entertained. Tony is a multi-award-winning filmmaker and this is the first book in the British library catalogue to claim not written by robots. The foreword was written by Andrew Tait

The book is published by the Dead Good Book Company

website link https://tonyhickson1.wixsite.com/the-dead-good-book-c



 Contact tonyhickson@tiscali.co.uk


Media Contact

The Dead good book company tonyhickson1@tiscali.co.uk https://tonyhickson1.wixsite.com/the-dead-good-book-c https://tonyhickson1.wixsite.com/the-dead-good-book-c
Categories : Arts
Tags : greta thunberg , poetry , comedy
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