Inspiring Book on Disability and How to Lead a Meaningful Life Despite of It

Faith, strength, and resilience in the face of disability and adversity

  • Inspiring Book on Disability and How to Lead a Meaningful Life Despite of It

Pittsburg, California May 29, 2019 (  - Olivia Espinosa’s Wisdom from a Wheelchair is an insightful book filled with inspirational messages that would help people see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a must-read for everyone whether you are going through something or not.

Olivia has written a book of healing centered on faith and hope. She draws people from the darkest pit of despair into the light. This book is truly inspiring as it is born and woven from adversity. Olivia is a pillar of strength, providing comfort and solace through messages of inspiration and prayer journals that she herself have used to help her through each and every day in the constant battle she faces. Her words are like a fountain of hope for those jaded by the sufferings life has thrown at them, and for every person who is not at his best as of the moment. Life can be ugly at times, but with faith you can reemerge a winner. The book teaches us to see past the rain and look for the rainbow on the horizon, to look beyond the catastrophe to the lessons that would make us better people.

Olivia is a phoenix, rising from the ashes of disability. Join her as she spreads her wings in the face of life’s trials and challenges. Fill each day with hope. Live in faith.

Olivia’s work will be exhibited at the BookExpo + BookCon 2019, to be held at the Jacob Javits Center, New York City, this coming May 29 to 31 and June 1 and 2, 2019, at the Authors Press Booth # 1667. To get the latest update on authors, like and follow Authors Press on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Wisdom from a Wheelchair

Written by Olivia Espinosa

E-book | $9.99

Paperback | $14.95

Book copies are available at Authors Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.

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