International Fashion Designer And Producer Rojen Morris Delivered An Exceptional Show at NYFW

Star TV network Universal News Break

New York City, New York Mar 11, 2023 (  - 2023 is a notable year in the history of fashion weeks, as the New York fashion week of this year was a witness to some out-of-the-ordinary creative expressions. The Star Dreamers Production Runway International held a unique concept of "Fashion with a Mission" in the New York Fashion Week where many artists and designers took part. The most notable and successful show was of the CEO of Star Dreamers Production, Rojen Morris caught the attention of professionals in the global fashion industry by raising awareness for cardiovascular heart disease through her Red Empire Collection, and raising awareness about domestic violence with her blood moon collection, She also made history as the first Filipino fashion designer & producer in US fashion history to support and promote such a cause and take active participation.

Born and raised in Sapang Dalaga Misamis Occidental Mindanao Philippines, and currently residing in the city of Charleston West Virginia, the fashion designer expressed her vision and helped create a bridge between high fashion and the empowerment of women, and people with disabilities. "New York Fashion Week Runway International ", organized by Rojen Morris will forever be remembered in the history of runway shows and fashion week, for creating fashion and normalizing it for people who require additional support to be active members of society. The producer and fashion designer has already caught the attention of millions as she includes models with disabilities, from all ages, shapes, and sizes, and from different ethnicities that celebrate individuality and cultural heritage.


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Source : Star TV NetworkUniversal News Break

Categories : Entertainment , Event , Fashion , Media , Photography
Tags : Filipino Producer & International Fashion Designer , SDP fashionweek , fashionwithamission , fashionawareness , internationaldesignerrojencoutour , rojennyc , Rojenfashionproducer , StarDreamersProductionRunwayInternational
Stock Ticker : StarTVNetworkuniversalnewsbreak

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