Muslim Mindanao, Philippines Dec 27, 2019 ( - On November 22—25, 2019, a Peace Education Seminar was held in 7 participating schools in Cotabato City. It was conducted to cultivate peace among teachers and students, and eventually become leaders in their respective communities toward achieving peace.
The topics entitled "What Broke Peace in the World of Human Kind?" and “Efforts towards Preservation of Heritage” were taken from the Peace Education curriculum of Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), international peace organization under the UN ECOSOC and DGC.
The schools that facilitated the seminar are namely Notre Dame Village Elementary School, Darping Elementary School, Muamad Elementary School, Lugay Lugay Central Elementary School, Cotabato Rasheeda High School, STI College, and Cotabato City Institute which covers from College, High School, down to Elementary level.
Sittie Aisha A. Manisan, a Grade 10 student of Cotabato Rasheeda High School Inc. shares how grateful she was to receive peace education since she had been a victim of conflict in her hometown, Basilan. She was separated from her immediate family right after the death of her father, who was gunned down by two armed men right in front of her. She said, “I hope no more children will have to experience the tragedy that I have been through.”
Jasmin B. Mohamad, a Grade 6 student of Lugay Lugay Central Elementary School also shared how she had fun and had actively participated in the hand-painting activity for the first time. “This is my first experience and I am so glad to see my classmates happy as well. I look forward to more peace education activities in the near future,” she said.
Sangcopan Gubel, a Values Education Teacher of Cotabato Rasheeda High School expresses her gratefulness to HWPL for initiating the activity. He said that he will continuously support this movement by teaching peace education to other grade levels that he is handling.
Moreover, due to the success of this event, HWPL is planning to conduct a Peace Education Workshop for teachers this coming January 2020 to localize the peace education materials for teaching their students, thus, raise more peace leaders in different communities in the Philippines. HWPL peace education has been conducted MOA with 8 schools in 8 countries and 214 schools in 23 countries.
HWPL is an international organization headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea - committed to advancing peace through DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War), associated with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). After proclaiming the Declaration of World Peace in 2013, HWPL expanded its peace movement in 70 countries. A few years later, HWPL has reached 127 countries.
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HWPL 09463870176 U406,Rudgen Bldg 1, 17th shaw