International School Advisor Launch

The TripAdvisor for International Schools!

  • International School Advisor Launch

Barcelona, Catalunya Jul 22, 2019 (  - When your work or pleasure takes you around the world, finding the right school for your children is one of the hardest tasks. When you choose a school in your local community, you already know each school’s reputation through the stories and feedback of friends and family. Travel to a new city where you don’t know anyone yet, how do you get to really know what a school is like before it’s too late?

International School Advisor - - solves that problem by letting parents, teachers and pupils tell their real stories and rate the most important elements of international schools across 166 (and growing) cities.

The website lets you easily explore cities around the world either via a map or by searching. You can specify the ages of your children, preferred language, curriculum type (such as International baccalaureate, English National Curriculum and so on) and the website will match the schools that meet your needs.

When you view a school’s details, there are handy links to the most important pages on each school’s website: Admissions, Fees, Contact and Home.

For schools, International School Advisor offers a great opportunity to let parents, teachers and pupils spread the word and attract future pupils and staff. As an independent third party, the website is a place that will create trust above and beyond what can be achieved on a school website alone. If your school isn’t already listed, just visit our website and send us your details: - once you are listed you will receive login details so you can even manage the information we show to visitors.


Media Contact

Ian Ryder

Source : International School Advisor

Categories : Education
Tags : Travel , Education , Schools , Reviews , Dubai , Bangkok
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