Frankfort, Illinois Feb 24, 2022 ( - The term entrepreneur is synonymous with risk and opportunity; when Jim McFarland Joliet decided to take the plunge into starting his own business, he knew full well the challenges he was facing and that there would be no guarantee of success. While every new business owner should be aware of the potential obstacles ahead, Jim believes that nothing worth having comes without hard work, and he made sure to put in the time and effort necessary to help his business succeed, even when things got tough.
Writing your own bio can be difficult, especially if you feel like your accomplishments and experiences don’t measure up to those of your peers. Luckily, every member of the business community has something special to contribute, whether that’s leading by example or helping out in times of need. Jim McFarland Joliet discusses his experience as an entrepreneur and volunteer leader and how both roles have helped him to become a better man.
Just as becoming a great leader means inspiring others to work with you toward your shared vision, becoming a greater volunteer means inspiring others to give of their time, talent and treasure. For individuals who want to inspire positive change in their communities but aren’t sure where to start.
The foundation for all effective leadership is a clear sense of direction, unshakable passion for achieving one’s goals, infectious optimism about one’s organization’s prospects, and an unrelenting drive to improve oneself professionally. This can be accomplished by asking yourself three questions at various stages of life: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? What should I do today that moves us toward our goal?
Starting my own business has been one of my greatest accomplishments. There are many aspects to running a business from creating, building, and managing your company to dealing with financials, legal issues, and marketing. The experience was so rewarding that I felt compelled to give back while still being able to use what I had learned along the way by mentoring others.
Most people who want to start their own business never actually do it because they don’t know where or how to begin. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. ~Bruce Lee
The most important thing you need when starting a new venture is support from people around you; having someone you can bounce ideas off helps tremendously when you feel like giving up and lets you lean on them for ideas when things are going well; have somebody there to celebrate with when those big milestones happen.
As an aspiring entrepreneur, I’ve had some experience working for others, but my most satisfying work has always been self-employed. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been a cakewalk; with challenges come lessons learned that can only be earned by going through them firsthand. One thing I have found useful is to share what I’ve learned about leadership and volunteerism with others starting out in business or community service.
Volunteering is a means of giving back to communities while growing personally. Volunteering also gives you a chance to expand your network of contacts, learn new skills and even advance your career path. But most importantly, volunteering is about making a difference in people’s lives. The act itself provides immense personal satisfaction, and it will help you appreciate what you have even more than before.
Networking is probably one of the most important things that you can do to promote your business, grow your sales, or gain new clients. It’s easy to network with other entrepreneurs, but it is important that you know how to be a good networker.
Here are some tips on how to go about networking in order to make sure you get positive results from it. You should: 1) Make sure you have time for networking – Don’t run out of time at events because if you don’t have time for conversation, then what is really being achieved? 2) Don’t talk about yourself all the time – Make sure that when people ask you questions about yourself and your business that answers are brief; otherwise you may find people becoming bored very quickly.
Media Contact
Jim McFarland Joliet ***** 8154081289 9 W. Nebraska St. Frankfort, IL 60423 Illinois