Jupiter Hydro patents for a novel application of the Archimedes screw for in-stream hydrokinetic power production

Jupiter Hydro Inc. (“Jupiter”) Is a Canadian privately owned green technology company holding patents for a novel application of the Archimedes screw for in-stream hydrokinetic power production.

Calgary, Alberta Dec 3, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  -  

Jupiter Hydro Inc. Announces UK initiative


Green Energy That Doesn't Cost The Earth



Jupiter Hydro Inc. (“Jupiter”) Is a Canadian privately-owned green technology company holding patents for a novel application of the Archimedes screw for in-stream hydrokinetic power production. 

The patented system is inherently simple and robust. It is weed and debris resistant and the design is particularly suitable for river applications, where the power is considered ‘dispatchable’ and available 24/7 and is well suited to applications in tidal and ocean current flow. 

The system is extremely fish friendly and has no leading edges to cause the type of strikes associated with narrow blade type turbines.



Numerous testing systems at various scales and computation fluid dynamic modelling have been completed during the development process. Curtailment for grid balancing purposes or to limit seasonal high flow variation to the faceplate capacity of the generator is achieved by reducing the angle of the turbine using a hydraulic trim system (similar to an outboard motor on a boat).



Jupiter’s technology is cheaper to manufacture and more cost-effective to maintain than competitive systems. Barge mounted systems, as well as fixed installations from micro-scale personal power or irrigation turbines to grid-scale large turbines, can be mass-produced with inexpensive tooling costs. The fibreglass (standard E-glass) blades can be constructed using traditional boat-building techniques and are field repairable.



Inspired by outboard motors, the turbines can be mounted to any floating platform of sufficient strength and buoyancy or can be mounted on spud frames, bridge abutments, or cantilevered from embankments on shore. This broad range of mounting systems provides the flexibility to employ Jupiter systems in almost any setting, and the technology can be scaled from micro-sized to grid scale.


Applications include: electrical generation ranging from small personal turbines to grid scale large turbines; direct water pumping systems for irrigation; turbine arrays linked to hydraulic collection systems and constant speed generators. 



Jupiter is in advanced discussions with potential UK development partners including Lighting Engine Ltd. in association with UK Eco Tech Ltd. Deployment discussions between Lighting Engine and a municipality are underway for a river and tidal estuary combined system to provide dispatchable and schedulable power.

Because of the UK’s long history of maritime innovation and construction, Jupiter proposes to have its initial manufacturing base in the UK and is seeking manufacturing and financing investment partners. The elegant yet simple design of Jupiter’s technology is to be potentially commercially deployed in UK projects and is proposed for export to numerous countries.



Enabling complementary and variable energy sources by providing baseline power


For further information on Jupiter contact: 


Robert B. Knight


Jupiter Hydro Inc.








Media Contact

Jupiter Hydro info@jupiterhydro.com 14035122300 http://www.jupiterhydro.com
Categories : Energy , Engineering , Environment , Industrial , Media
Tags : hydro power , in-stream hydrokinetic power production , Archimedes screw , green energy

Jupiter Hydro

Jupiter Hydro have a patent protected novel application of the Archimedes screw that extracts greater than 40% of the power in a fluid flow that the screw is exposed to. It is suitable for shallow water applications at velocities as low as 2.0 M/S (although faster flows are more economic, as the output increases by the cube of the velocity).
Alberta, Calgary
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