Kenn Knarr, Republican Candidate for Chair, Challenges Lawson to Seven Debates Across Magisterial Districts

Woodbridge, Virginia Apr 11, 2023 (  - Today, Kenn Knarr, Republican Candidate for Chair of the Board of County Supervisors, issued a challenge to his opponent, Jeanine Lawson, to engage in a series of seven debates - one in each of the Prince William County magisterial districts. The debates will be an opportunity for voters to learn more about the candidates and their positions on important issues affecting the county.

"Voters in the county deserve to know where their candidates stand on all the issues that matter to them," said Kenn Knarr. "There is a wide range of significant issues that need to be examined in an open forum where candidates can discuss in-depth the future of the county. I believe that by engaging in a series of debates, we can give voters the opportunity to make an informed decision about who they want to lead their county."

The proposed debates will be held in the following magisterial districts on the following topics:

1. Woodbridge District – The Future of Public Safety
2. Occoquan District – Land-Use Policy
3. Coles District – Collective Bargaining
4. Neabsco District – Economic Development
5. Potomac District – Veterans’ Services
6. Brentsville District – Education Funding
7. Gainesville District – Taxes/Government Growth

"With so many important issues facing the people of our county, we believe the public debates will be an excellent opportunity for voters to hear directly from the candidates and learn more about their positions," said a spokesperson for Kenn Knarr's campaign. "We hope that Supervisor Lawson will accept our challenge and join us in these important discussions."

For more information on Kenn Knarr's campaign, please visit

For questions or to set up an interview, contact Susan at


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Kenn for Chair
Categories : Business , Consumer , Energy , Environment , Government
Tags : Prince William County Chair Board of Supervisors
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