Krysle Lip Releases My Blue Library

Krysle Lip is a bold new star, an infusion of sounds and styles all rolled into one profound melody. Krysle Lip's vocals are a mesmerizing mix of the late David Bowie and Amy Winehouse, with a hint of Adele's simplicity.

Miami Beach, Florida Feb 15, 2023 (  - After being passed around labels, sexually assaulted, and seeing the dark side of the industry, Krysle Lip took a break and finally releases My Blue Library available on streaming platforms. 

Krysle Lip is a bold new star, My Blue Library is an infusion of sounds and styles all rolled into one profound melody. It's a combination of alternative pop, chillwave, indie rock, and electronic music with a dash of Hispanic touches, creating a unique and captivating sound. Krysle Lip is a reminder to stay strong and keep pushing forward no matter what life throws at you.

Krysle Lip's vocals are a mesmerizing mix of the late David Bowie and Amy Winehouse, with a hint of Adele's simplicity. The production was inspired by Krysle's desire to create a simple, yet powerful sound in a world that is often complicated and over-saturated. By using fewer instruments and more space, the track is able to capture the emotion of the lyrics and tell a story of self-empowerment. Krysle Lip is a reminder to stay strong and keep pushing forward no matter what life throws at you.

Krysle's music has always been ahead of its time, granting him a permanent light and sound show in the historic Hall of Mirrors in Paris, used to showcase the invention of electricity for the universal exhibition. This is especially ironic for an artist whose first single was titled "Electric Mirror". Krysle Lip is a bold new star, an infusion of sounds and styles all rolled into one profound melody - an anthem for anyone who is looking for a way out of a dark place.

My Blue Library is about self-empowerment after coming out of a difficult situation, and the struggles that go along with it. Blue Library is a powerful and emotive song, featuring beautiful arrangements, haunting whistles, and intricate guitar arpeggios. It's a combination of alternative pop, chillwave, indie rock, and electronic music with a dash of Hispanic touches, creating a unique and captivating sound. The song is about self-empowerment after coming out of a difficult situation, and the struggles that go along with it. It's an anthem for anyone who is looking for a way out of a dark place, a reminder to stay strong and keep pushing forward no matter what life throws at you.



Media Contact

Krysle Lip Instagram @krysle
Categories : Arts , Entertainment , Media , Music , Society
Tags : krysle lip , newsingle , my blue library , billboard , pitchfork , goodmusic , metoo
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