Las Vegas Woman Competes in Fab Over 40 Contest

Raises Awareness and Funds to Fight Breast Cancer

Las Vegas, Nevada Sep 1, 2021 (  - A local woman, freelance business owner based in Las Vegas has been busy competing in an online fundraiser to raise awareness and money for breast cancer services and research.

Paula McDade, a digital content producer, author, and publisher was recently scrolling through her social media feed when an ad for women over 40 caught her attention. The appeal was for a contest called Fab Over 40 sponsored by NewBeauty Magazine. The competition urged women over 40 to get involved by gathering popularity votes, but also to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation through "Hope Votes". McDade began using her creative skills to craft her own social media campaign, which includes several informative and eye-catching graphics designed to draw interest, votes, and donations.

McDade lost her great grandmother to breast cancer before she even got the chance to meet her and she is determined to raise both awareness, to help others, and raise funds to help provide vital services to women in need.

The women outnumber the men in my family, but we have managed not to lose anyone else to breast cancer. Paula’s maternal grandmother died in 2006 of colon cancer. Her grandmother was the daughter of the great grandmother that she didn’t get a chance to know before her death.

“At first, I got involved in the competition for the prizes and the money, but as I continued my efforts, I began to see there was a greater purpose for me clicking on that random ad while scrolling my social media,” Paula said that she is sharing her story because she wants others to understand that breast cancer can cut short lives and generational relationships.

She stressed that yearly exams and screenings can save your life and in many cases, breast cancer is treatable due to the amazing ongoing research. “Organizations like the National Breast Cancer Foundation and others offer services for women regardless of their financial situation.” She emphasized that a donation of $150 can provide mammogram screening for one woman who may otherwise be unable to afford those services.

All participants can vote one time for free daily, however; your additional Hope Votes go toward the National Breast Cancer Foundation. You can join Paula in her fundraising campaign by casting your HOPE VOTES at:


Media Contact

Stellar Creative LLC 4057966080

Source : Paula McDade

Categories : Beauty , Entertainment , Health , Lifestyle , Media
Tags : charity , donation , fundraiser , breast cancer , celebrity , research , philanthropy
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