Lee McVicker "River Flows In You" 2021

Cover song, to be released 8th May 2021!

Dundonald, Belfast Apr 30, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  - Lee McVicker has come back to the piano stage after taking a back step over a year ago. He has come back with somewhat of a return by announcing his release of a cover song "River flows in you" by Yiruma.

He has explained to us how he has spent his time writing piano and orchestral melodies in that time and has decided that mid-this year is the right time to set the spark of the release on all major platforms. 

He has promised the next few months will be music like nobody has written before and has expressed his gratitude to everyone involved in the support behind his music.

We asked him, what his views on modern piano music are? His reply was, "just sit back and listen when it gets released".

Keep your eyes peeled!!


How exciting!!



Media Contact

Lee McVicker *****@gmail.com 07547620119 http://www.leemcvicker.com
Categories : Entertainment , Music
Tags : Lee McVicker , Leemcvicker , Piano , Musician
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