Los Angeles, California Mar 28, 2019 (Issuewire.com) - At Don Maslow Coffee the philosophy behind our coffee is simple: taking care of people and the environment produces a better-quality coffee. Once the high-elevation cherries are picked from the trees, they are carried down the mountain—often by horseback—and brought to a processing facility.
This leading-edge facility relies on a combination of solar panel technology and locally harvested biodiesel.
Few are aware that traditional coffee processors are powered by burning wood cut from tropical forests to dry the coffee. This technique has resulted in mass deforestation and CO2 emissions, roughly 3 sq. cm of tropical forest is destroyed for every cup of coffee we consume.
Allow me to give you the big picture of how important this problem actually is.
Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day, equivalent to 146 billion cups of coffee per year, making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world.
And worldwide demand for coffee is growing as China and India middle class join the coffee culture.
To meet projected demand, the industry will need to produce between four million and 14 million additional tons of coffee per year. Unless growers can significantly increase coffee productivity, the industry would need to double the area under production. This would increase the current area of land under coffee production, currently about the size of Iceland, to an area that would be four times the size of Costa Rica.
Since the best conditions to grow coffee are somewhere around the equator and the tropics, this will affect our world forever.
Well, why don’t you just plan more trees you may say?
You can’t replant an ecology
Trees, by themselves, do not comprise a forest, which is a complex ecology full of interactions by numerous plants and animals, each with their own unique biological niches and contributions. You can’t plant a fresh ecology out of a seed bag.
A report released by Conservation International found that the future demand for coffee and the impacts of climate change have the potential to make coffee production a future driver of deforestation, which could threaten the last remaining intact tropical forests and the services they provide: carbon storage, provision of fresh water, and biodiversity that aids in food provision.
Read more at https://phys.org/news/2016-04-future-demand-climate-coffee-driver.html#jcp
Coffee is not just a drink you take every morning to make you feel awake. It can be a powerful instrument for social good. We owe it to the more than 120 million people whose livelihood depends on coffee to work together in this Organization to give them a better future. Mr. José Sette, ICO’s new Executive Director, addressing the 119th International Coffee Council in March 2017. Many of whom live in the world’s poorest nations.
About us.
How are we different
We at Don Maslow Coffee have developed a business model that is radically future-oriented.
We created a product that is a response to Climate Change and a contribution to Sustainable Development by using renewable energy and compostable packaging.
We care deeply about Empowering the bedrock of society, Women, Small Business and Start-Ups and lastly but not least we are investing in the future by accepting bitcoin as a mode of payment.
Don Maslow has started operation about 2 months ago, delivering coffee in Los Angeles City area. By buying our coffee we take making a positive impact on saving the rainforest to your breakfast table.
Learn more
Media Contact
Vanessa Hernandez vanessa@donmaslowcoffee.com https://donmaslowcoffee.com/