Maps SEO, How to rank in Google Maps? Check out our free index checking tool!

Your maps marketing specialists NDO SEO

  • Maps SEO, How to rank in Google Maps?  Check out our free index checking tool!
  • Maps SEO, How to rank in Google Maps?  Check out our free index checking tool!
  • Maps SEO, How to rank in Google Maps?  Check out our free index checking tool!
  • Maps SEO, How to rank in Google Maps?  Check out our free index checking tool!

Salt Lake City, Utah May 29, 2019 (  - NDO SEO announces a free new tool to help SEO and business owners check to see if their citations are indexed.

NDO SEO is a marketing agency specializing in search engine optimization or SEO. Search engine optimization is the legal process of increasing visibility on Google’s search engine to attract the largest number of visitors. The more visitors a website receives the more visitors that turn into actual customers. As every business who sells a product or service knows, more customers means more money, and that’s the bottom line.

A company’s citations not being indexed SEO presents significant problems. To combat that, NDO SEO has a new tool that helps the process of SEO by helping business owners check to see if their citations are indexed. The tool is free and easy to use and is located right on the NDO SEO website.

If a company’s citations are not properly indexed, the company will not get the full benefit in ranking from them! This is a critical problem, and the problem is across the board and not based on the provider. It is not a small matter, but a significant issue for maps SEO. That’s why NDO SEO uses their resources, time and money to make sure their clients are appropriately listed to gain exposure and rank increases. Companies can attempt to improve their citations not being indexed SEO, but more often than not a professional SEO expert like NDO SEO is required for real results.

To assist you with the process is our free tool for checking to see if citations are indexed. Just visit our website to access the user-friendly tool. Simply enter your URL and hit the “Add” button. Our tool allows you to enter more than one URL. After you have finished entering your URLs hit “Run” or “Download.” The tool will immediately let you know if “yes” your URL is indexed or “no” it’s not.

The free tool offered by NDO SEO is a great way to be introduced to their services. They are not like your typical online marketing company, many of whom are nothing more than scams. When you hire NDO SEO, they don’t own any work or assets that are created for your company, and NDO SEO destroys none of the work performed for a campaign. In other words, when a website is generated for you, you own all of it, including the URL. There’s no additional charge for the domain name.

NDO SEO is serious about its services. Therefore, you are never offered ridiculous guarantees. No legitimate SEO company can guarantee results. What NDO SEO will do for you is work as hard as they can to bring high visibility to your brand.

If you’ve been considering hiring an SEO company, take that first step by trying out the free citation tool to see if your URL is indexed.

For more information, check out the NDO SEO website free citation tool at

Media Contact:
Nathan Olsen


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Categories : Advertising , Finance , Marketing
Tags : SEO , Search engine optimization , Marketing Agency , Marketing , Maps SEO , Google My Business Marketing


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