Marshall Barnes Fulfills Time Travel Prediction of Perimeter Institute's Neil Turok

Waterloo, Ontario Mar 28, 2021 (  - "I think it's clear to me that there is some probability of us going backward in time. In quantum physics, nothing is impossible - particles travel through walls!"

So said Prof Neil Turok, director of Canada's Perimeter Institute, the science think tank. Turok told this to the BBC in a 2018 episode of the TV program, Horizon that dealt with the subject of time travel.

However, at the time, Turok said "no one really has any plausible idea of how to go backward in time right now", but added, "One should never say never because some clever person will come along and tell you how to break the rule."

It would appear that that clever person has arrived and his name is Marshall Barnes of Grandview Heights, OH, and author of the 2014 authoritative book on time travel theory, Paradox Lost:The true geometries of time travel. In the latest issue of Global Journals Science of Frontier Research Interdiciplinary, the peer-reviewed journal out of Framingham, MA in the United States, Marshall reveals stunning new research in his paper, "Souping-Up" Aharonov's Quantum Measurement Engine with a Plaga/Everett Apparatu which does more than just point the way toward a quantum mechanical solution for time travel. It also proves the existence of parallel universes and how to build some key components that could be used within a theoretical time machine. 

"In this paper, two radical ideas from 30 years ago, via laser-based, quantum measurement devices, will be revisited for the potential that they provide for the exploration of the marriage of the themes of time travel and parallel universes, via their actual construction, as predicted by National Medal of Science Award winner Yakir Aharonov in Discover magazine 1992, Rainer Plaga in New Scientist in 1995 and John Archibald Wheeler in 2002," the abstract reads. 

"I had done a considerable amount of research over the last 5 years, all of which I brought together as a single solution toward time travel because I had to make sure the paper had original, never before published material," Marshall admits. "But in order for it to be accepted, I knew I had to have a breakthrough that made sense, where everything was brought to a projected conclusion that was actually doable and I did it."

What Marshall did was identify a number of physicists who had done integral work separately but when brought together, their work completed a perfect puzzle which formed the resolution for time travel to the past. Beginning with the 1992 proposition by Yakir Aharonov to use quantum measurements to initiate an action that could control a device and then Rainer Plaga's 1995 idea for a test that would prove quantum parallel universes are real. For Marshall's position to be accurate, it requires that parallel universes act as the resolution to the time travel paradox question and Marshall proves that with his own experiments, which are shown in full color, with results just as Plaga predicted in 1995. 

Essentially, Marshall then added the concepts of John Archibald Wheeler, and his delayed-choice along with 'it from bit', the idea that information is at the foundations of everything, and made the pivotal switch from a description of a theoretical delayed choice experiment where astronomers can change the direction that a photon took to get to them despite the fact that it left its source long, long ago. According to Tim Folger of Discover, who interviewed Wheeler, the astronomers "create a new past" for the particle. Marshall surmises all that is required is to create a new past with an object from the present in it, and that's time travel. Of course, Marshall can then insert his interpretation that changes to the past produce new, parallel universe copies and now the entire process is self-consistent and complete. 

"We are at that last step now." All that is required is to determine the proper approach and that's it. The next thing will be a science-fiction level event in our reality. And that event is called time travel".  

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research is a leading and trusted international journal for publishing science frontier research papers. It aims to encourage and provide authentic international publication to researchers, scientists, and engineers. They welcome original research, articles, surveys, and review papers from all over the world. 


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Source : Global Journals

Categories : Engineering , Research , Science
Tags : time travel , peer-review , perimeter institute , global journals

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