Saint John, New Brunswick Dec 29, 2020 ( - The release of The Devil and His Due: How Jordan Peterson Plagiarizes Adolf Hitler by Troy Parfitt has yielded an irate response from Jordan Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila Peterson. Taking to Twitter on Christmas, the host of The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast and advocate of the carnivore Lion Diet said, “Here’s a lovely Christmas message I received today from @troy_parfitt about @jordanbpeterson plagiarizing Hitler. Merry Christmas to you too you sad sack of a man.”
Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, best-selling author of 12 Rules for Life, and pop-psych guru whose YouTube channel boasts 3.31 million subscribers. Often described as controversial, Peterson shot to stardom after challenging Canada’s Bill C-16, which he said compelled Canadians to make specific utterances under penalty of incarceration. On The Joe Rogan Experience, he said compelled-speech laws also existed in the United States, although most Americans were unaware of them. His claims about Bill C-16 have been rejected by Canada’s Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights.
Mikhaila’s tweet about The Devil and His Due sparked a Twitter storm, with fans offering sympathy and praise for her father’s work while characterizing Parfitt’s book as opportunistic and sensationalistic. Parfitt says her followers’ responses are part of a pattern.
“Whenever anyone seriously criticizes Jordan Peterson, their arguments are not examined but belittled and dismissed. Typically, critics receive angry messages or hate mail. However, whenever someone connects the ideas of Peterson to those of Hitler, the reaction from the Petersons is either silence or fury. Peterson has been linked to Hitler by Noam Chomsky and a Swedish historian named Mikael Nilsson but has said nothing. He’s been labeled a fascist by a book reviewer, and a Nazi by a protestor, and he said he wanted to ‘slap’ and ‘get physical’ with them. He’s suing Wilfrid Laurier University because a staffer compared him to Hitler, so we need to ask: why do people keep likening him to Hitler? And when this happens, why are he and his daughter susceptible to rage? Also, Peterson’s followers would mock the evidence in my book without reading it is unsurprising. They’re members of a massive, online cult.”
Jordan Peterson recently returned to Canada after lengthy treatment in Russia and Serbia for benzodiazepine addiction. In 12 Rules for Life, he writes, “opiates work;” “Prozac… cheers up lobsters,” and asks “WHY WON’T YOU JUST TAKE YOUR DAMN PILLS?” In public, he counsels his followers to take banned substances like psilocybin, ayahuasca (DMT), and ecstasy (MDMA), which he has called “miracle cures” and “the food of the gods.” At the University of Toronto, he suggested to his students that cocaine was “fun” and “enjoyable” and that they should be “nose-deep in that stuff non-stop.”
The professor’s new book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life, will hit shelves on March 1, 2021. Published by Penguin, it is now available for pre-order.
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