Yerevan, Armenia Oct 19, 2020 ( - MoeinXn (Moein Shahidi) (born April 16, 1994) Tehran-Iran, better known by his stage name MoeinXn , is an Iranian professional artist, Music Producer, Songwriter, Audio Engineer living in Yerevan , Armenia. Self-made vocalist MoeinXn the first Iranian Artist, Music Producer, Audio Engineer in Yerevan. MoeinXn musical success is the creative flowering that follows years of dedication and hard work building up his business enterprises. He was born in Tehran, in 1994 as Moein Shahidi. The noise around MoeinXn releases has built through teasers on his Instagram
he had begun to see great results from his efforts. He then began training others to do what he did, creating more opportunities for more people, and investing in other projects to help them flourish. While studying at university, Moein moved naturally into software development and created much Music for companies and some famous artists Such as: Captain Bob, Barzakh, TheRezayi and Etc. He recently has dedicated his skills to developing the ideas of other young talents looks for them, helps them grow, and supports them in selling their ideas and developing their skills. MoeinXn contributed to hundreds of unique, one-of-a-kind projects. Because of the passion he had toward Rap/Hip-hop and R&B Music, he started to use his skills in one of the biggest Persian Rap Album known as “Meshki ”.
MoeinXn started his Musical career with “Captian Bob”, a local Rapper and his best friend in Tehran. They produced a few official singles and many Albums which were released in many platforms such as: APPLEMUSIC, GOOGLE PLAY MUSIC, AMAZON, TIDAL, DEEZER, SPOTIFY, YOUTUBE, SOUNDCLOUD and Etc.
During the following months and years, MoeinXn turned his attention towards bigger projects. In 2016 he made a collaboration Album called “Meshki Or Black” with Captian Bob who is one of the very well-known Persian rappers. In 2017 he released an album called “Emza Or signature” which was a collaboration by Barzakh, a known Rapper collaborating with MoeinXn group, which brought him an opportunity to be featured in “Kimiya" produced by MoeinXn and Barzakh with the artist name of MoeinXn. This collaboration made him more popular among all Iranian communities.
He has had many tracks released and they were all top hits in Spotify and AppleMusic. Black Album "Meshki " was also honored on the Reza Pishro telegram's Channel Show. He was also very talented in Photography and Directory which he used to have activities but his passion for music and his background all together have brought great success. MoeinXn With therezayi has performed in many shows locally & across the country, Also they released several albums possessed his own label (FadeLife). Many years of dedication and experiences have made it possible to take his live show, music, and career to the next level.
His account on Spotify has been confirmed
MoeinXn has an official channel on YouTube
Media Contact
MoeinXn +37498843363