Most Influential Doctors on Instagram in 2019

Los Angeles, California Oct 7, 2019 (  - Below is our list of the top 3 most Influential Doctors on Instagram in 2019. We looked at more than just follower count, but their global presence, growth, and footprint.

Dr. Mike Varshavski

Dr. Mike, born 12 November 1989 is a doctor and social media celebrity. Originally from Russia, he came to fame after an article was released in people magazine “ the sexiest doctor alive” He is followed by more than 3 million people on his Instagram and his YouTube channel has over 4 million subscribers. Dr. Mike joined Instagram in 2012 as a way to document his career as a medical student. He tops the list of our most influential doctors on Instagram.

Dr. Yusof Mutahar

Born on 18th March 1990 in Perth Australia, Dr. Yusof Mutahar is a medical doctor who specializes in General Practice.

Although relatively new to Instagram, he is followed by approximately 70 000 people. What sets him apart from other doctors on the platform is what he does outside of medicine. Dr Yusof Mutahar is a martial artist and Judo black Belt. He has won numerous state, and national titles and represented Australia in the sport. He has also been involved in Judo coaching.

Dr Yusof Mutahar is a recognized fashion & fitness model and icon. He is famous for his defined abs and lean physique as well as his suave fashion trends. He often posts fitness-related content on his Instagram page @yusof.mutahar

Dr Yusof Mutahar also performs cosmetic surgery and posts fascinating before and after shots on his Instagram stories. In 2019 he co-founded his cosmetic skincare range. His popularity is expected to continue to grow significantly in 2020. Furthermore, he is planning on releasing his own menswear fashion line in 2020. Dr. Yusof Mutahar comes second on our list of most influential doctors worldwide on Instagram.


Dr Babak Azizzadeh

Dr Babak Azizzadeh is a facial plastic surgeon from the USA. He is he founder and president of the Facial Paralysis & Bells Palsy Foundation.

He completed his surgical training at Harvard University. Dr. Azizzadeh was given the prestigious award of  “Top Doctor” in his medical field by the US News and World Report.

He has made media appearances on Dr. Oz and Oprah. His Instagram @drazizzadeh is followed by 25 000 people. He is ranked 3rd on our list of most of the most influential doctors on Instagram



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Categories : Beauty , Business , Entertainment , Fashion , Health
Tags : dr mike , dr yusof mutahar , yusof mutahar , dr babak azizzadeh , instagram , influencer , social media , health , medical , dr yusof
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