New Orleans, Louisiana Apr 7, 2022 ( - It seems COVID and vaccines are all anyone talks about these days. What's more, recently in 2022, the nation has experienced a Fuel Emergency, with fuel prices at their highest ever in many places. But no one should be bullied into taking a COVID vaccine or paying inflated fuel prices unless they want to. That is why for 2022, National Making The First Move Day® or #MTFMOVEDAY-the as seen in Chase's Calendar, Days of the Week Calendar, HeyWhatDay, Big Easy Magazine, and numerous other publications, national advocacy holiday celebrated annually April 7 as an all-inclusive day for kids, families, and persons of all ages, demographics, and backgrounds to reclaim their personal power and START MAKING THE FIRST MOVE TOWARDS BULLYING PREVENTION AND RECOVERY IN ALL FORMS™-is focusing on facing VACCIBULLY-company or entitity that withholds goods and services from consumers who exercise their right to not vaccinate. Also, #MTFMOVEDAY 2022 is combatting the fuel bully by partnering with Activist Greshun De Bouse, creator of the term vaccibully, and creator of the First Known Active Fuel Stimulus for what she has termed the Fuel Emergency of 2022. Greshun De Bouse's Fuel Emergency Economic Stimulus or LA F.E.E.S 2022 is a privately-funded, six-month, $100-dollar stimulus to help defray inflated fuel costs for eligible Americans, and the First Known Active Fuel Stimulus for the 2022 Fuel Bully or Fuel Emergency. De Bouse says "MTFMOVEDAY promotes bullying prevention and recovery in All forms, including vaccines and fuel-two personified bullies on humanity. My Fuel Emergency Economic Stimulus is the first of its kind, and a great effort. Still, it takes us all to stand firm against the Fuel Bully and Vaccibully. Persons have the right to choose to not vaccinate without experiencing goods or services deprivation. Persons have the right to affordable fuel prices, and financial assistance when such prices exceed mass affordability. We must combat Vaccibullies and Fuel Bully like we would any other bully-head on."
National Making the First Move Day® 2022 hopes to raise awareness of the financial bullying of inflated fuel and how Activist Greshun De Bouse has declared 2022 Fuel Emergency Economic Stimulus Year-a year-long 2022 observance promoting the need for a reserve fuel assistance fund for eligible U.S. citizens to access when fuel emergencies arise-to face this Bully on humanity. Also, by educating and raising awareness of citizen/consumer right to opt out of vaccines without oppression from vaccibullies via withheld goods or services is how National Making The First Move Day® 2022 will "START MAKING THE FIRST MOVE TOWARDS BULLYING PREVENTION AND RECOVERY IN ALL FORMS™." Happy National Making The First Move Day® 2022.
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