Killeen, Texas May 11, 2019 ( - L.A. Davis Announces New Book “Where Are My Children?! Debuted on Amazon as #1 New Release in Three Categories via Pre-sales!
By Dr. Melissa Caudle
The Year 2017 was one of the worst hurricane seasons in history. In her new book, Where Are My Children?! L. A. Davis creates a story of imagination that explains why the hurricane season was so destructive.
L. A. Davis announced that her new book, “Where Are My Children?!” will be launched June 1, 2019, the day Hurricane season begins. The book is available for pre-orders on Amazon. “Even though I have experienced hurricanes in the past, I became fascinated with the power of hurricanes Irma and Maria.” In the Virgin Islands, the names are combined as Irmaria, Davis said in a recent interview with Dr. Melissa Caudle, an author, and social media influencer. Davis recounts that it was traumatizing to watch on television as her homeland was being decimated, not once, but twice, within a matter of weeks and there was nothing that she could do about it. Davis said, “In the grand scheme of life, it put me in a place of realization that I as a human being is but a speck of nothing and we do not control everything not even waking up in the morning.”
According to Davis, she decided to author this story from a legend that she heard passed around for years that "Herricane" is the name of an African spirit who travels through the Transatlantic slave trade. She says that she does not believe in this legend and that not all hurricanes develop off the coast of Africa which is a strong point in her book when it comes to their names. “I decided to put my imaginative spin on it; no pun intended,” Davis said. “There are some things I think we need to start taking a good hard look at when reading this book, whether we believe in this legend or not.”
Davis told Caudle that she learned a great deal from researching her topic on hurricanes and the Transatlantic slave trade. She said,
“I learned about Black history while I was in college and during my adult life because my teachers never taught us about it in high school. I didn't know that Egypt was a country in Africa until I went to college because it was always taught as a sovereign nation apart from the continent. That is shameful. Researching the Transatlantic slave trade was enlightening and emotional. I had to put myself in a place of imagining what those human beings had to endure. I had to imagine what it must have been like to be a king or queen of my home who was reduced to nothing. I had to imagine what it was like to be on those ships and decide my destiny by jumping and then drowning if the sharks did not get to me first. I had to imagine being whipped when given commands because I could not understand or speak the language. I had to imagine a strange man, opening the hold, and dragging me out and violating me at his whim then facing the other women who scorned me because of it. I had to imagine my spirit being in those clouds watching what had happened centuries before. I had to imagine what it was like to give birth on a filthy ship. I had to imagine how evil and greedy my heart had to have been to be a part of this travesty in history and I couldn't. I tried, but it is impossible.”
Davis, very in tune with her ancestors, has a unique understanding that she tapped into when writing “Where are my Children?!” She said,
“I have accepted the history, but I will never be able to understand it. If I were not in my right senses, I would have thought that the entire history of slavery was made up. If anyone out there reading this feel that it was made up, I will call you a liar to your face. It was real, and in some places, it is still real today. What is more real than anything else is that my ancestors and your ancestors were so strong that we are here because of their resiliency. Because they survived, we are here. That should make us all proud. There were others who were so strong that they fought back even though they knew it might have been the last day or night they would see. There were others who were so strong that they chose to take their own lives in their hands so that someone else wouldn't. It takes a lot of courage to decide to live when going through tragedy and it takes much courage to decide to die when you feel you have nothing left to lose. I could not imagine having to make such a decision. I judge no one for their choice. Some families were wiped away from this earth through no fault of their own. I give the highest honor and respect to my ancestors. I would not be here if it were not for them. I pay homage to them with my love. Although I have never met many of them, I will forever be grateful to them.”
To celebrate the successful launch of “Where Are My Children?!,” in eBook formatting, she will have her eBook on Amazon for .99 cents until June 2, 2019. Davis will hold a live Facebook Launch Party that begins on June 1st, 2019 and will last for twenty-four hours ending June 2nd, 2019. During the event, Davis will do book readings, book giveaways and a live drawing. As an added bonus, the event includes several other authors who will answer questions and talk about their books. Davis will open and close the event.
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