New patented belt uses hidden extender behind buckle to expand waist of tight jeans, adding comfort

Behind the Buckle™ is a Game Changer for Belts and Suddenly Snug Jeans Woes

  • New patented belt uses hidden extender behind buckle to expand waist of tight jeans, adding comfort
  • New patented belt uses hidden extender behind buckle to expand waist of tight jeans, adding comfort
  • New patented belt uses hidden extender behind buckle to expand waist of tight jeans, adding comfort
  • New patented belt uses hidden extender behind buckle to expand waist of tight jeans, adding comfort

Newport Beach, California Mar 6, 2020 (  - A new patented fashion belt called Behind the Buckle, is the first-ever of its kind to instantly expand the waist of tight jeans by one to two inches, thanks to an extender hidden behind the belt buckle. Contrary to the traditional concept of a belt-tightening a pair of pants, this accessory actually gives too-tight jeans more room — while also closing the gap securely and comfortably.

“Most mortals have experienced fluctuating sizes or the discomfort of jeans that at times feel too tight at the waist. Behind the Buckle belts literally give you more wiggle room when you’re between sizes or just want more comfort,” said the company’s CEO, founder and inventor, Lynn Taylor. “It’s a great solution to struggling with that sudden, unexpected tight jeans gap — and the loss of time and money spent buying multiple sized jeans that will become loose later,” she said.

Why Behind the Buckle Was Invented

Taylor explained that in the 170 years that jeans have been around, women and men have just put up with the struggle: “We’ve all seen the dreaded ‘muffin top’ and countless hacks to get around those tight jeans, including rubber bands, not closing the jeans and other unappealing remedies.

“The invention seemed so logical, because the last mile — the waist gap — is usually the culprit, exactly where the buckle is. Also, it seemed crazy to be one to two inches away from fitting into your favorite jeans, but being unable to wear them,” Taylor said. 

Belt Has Unique Solution for Non-Belt Wearers

For those who prefer to wear shirts and tops over their jeans, Behind the Buckle offers a flat, buckle-less Snap Belt that can be worn underneath without being seen. When you do tuck in your top, the Snap Belt appears to be a studded belt. It has five adjustments, including the inside extender for extra comfort. The extenders are built-in behind the strap.

“Behind the Buckle belts may be a disrupter to the belt, denim and apparel industry. Consumers are looking for ways to be more comfortable, with an eye toward fashion and savings. It’s not inconceivable for everyone to ultimately have this in their closet to smooth out those challenging wardrobe moments,” Taylor said.

Trend Toward More Comfort, Flexibility

In the last couple of years, the denim trend has picked up steam, as athleisure and yoga pants have ticked downward.

“Stretch jeans help meet the comfort need, but Behind the Buckle belts take that a step further. Behind the Buckle belts combine the best of both worlds of athleisure and denim,” said Taylor, especially if you’re on a weight loss program. They’re your best wardrobe ally.” She added, “Women in their first trimester or post-partum can particularly relate to the need to expand their waist size temporarily or transition to their regular wardrobe over a protracted period.”

History of the Design

In order to fulfill her vision, Taylor rolled up her sleeves and learned how to skive and punch holes in leather, sew and apply snaps — until she invented a product that worked perfectly. She found a common-sense, but the carefully engineered solution: a stylish belt that discreetly and comfortably expands the waist of jeans, pants, skirts, and shorts — anything with a standard button design. It took many prototypes and revisions over a three-year period to position the extender in exactly the right place.

 “The icing on the cake is that the belts are stylish, and come in bridle, fine grain, pebble grain and crocodile print with a variety of high-quality buckles. You’ll want to wear this even when your jeans do fit and the extender is removed,”​ Taylor said. Adding to Lynn Taylor’s accomplishment is the fact that only four percent of patents name women-only inventors over the last decade, according to the U.S. Patent Office.

About the Inventor
Behind the Belt was invented by Orange County-based founder and designer Lynn Taylor. Taylor is a bestselling author and widely quoted workplace expert. She has been an entrepreneurial consultant and was the top marketing executive for a Fortune 500 Silicon Valley firm for 12 years before launching Behind the Buckle.


Media Contact

Behind the Buckle (800) 670-0766

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Categories : Business , Fashion
Tags : Fashion accesories , belts , menswear , womenswear

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