Winter Park, Florida Mar 2, 2025 ( - The “Comedy StoryBook,” is a multi-sensory exhibition book of laughter and learning.
The literary funny stories originate from the author, family members and childhood comedic friends presented in a style he attributes to the education system he created.
Thomas indicated, traditional education didn’t fit/benefit him, so he researched and developed his own system for which he accredited himself, a Knowledge Engineer.
During the research and the continued development phases thereof, the author acquired an intellectual library he said he wouldn’t trade for Elon Musk’s riches. Is that hyperbole, I ask?
No Laughing Matter is a low level IP item from his storehouse; biblically speaking, he said, of the many educational and entertainment ideas and inventions he has available for market exploitation
Asked who the book is for? Anyone with sense; a sense of humor isn’t mandatory.
Fuller said his comedic expressions are an idiom he calls: Ignorance Intelligence Comedy or IIC.
Like, one of the jokes in No Laughing Matter: the teacher teaches the student words, which he calls big words.
Teacher says; perspiration and student says, 'Ms. Mixner, I don’t know that big word, so I ain’t going to sweat it. Taking the reader to school with laughter.
The idiom of Ignorance Intelligence Comedy, when you say; IIC, that’s you stuttering to mean you finally got the joke.
Now I see and he’s Thomas Fuller jokes in, No Laughing Matter, for which consuming on an empty stomach isn’t recommended; the food for thought isn’t biological nutritional sustenance.
The book is a comedy concept that expresses the author’s educational system of Sensory Learning; not at the expense of or opposed to book learning, but in conjunction with.
Sensory Articulation serves as the foundation of and for educating the senses; per his totally unique education pedagogy. A first and only, he added, created solely by a single person.
Feelings are the highest intelligence; without which, he says you’re not neurologically human.
Laughter is a reaction to good sensory feelings and using comedy as a form of educational engagement is a unique educational approach; he must admit.
Feelings are; yours truly, personal. We don’t all laugh the same, but it’s from the same sensory feelings when we do laugh; that’s his Uniformity of Uniqueness Theorem based on a psychological level.
Books are static captured thoughts; feelings are dynamic and comedy is like our feelings’ thermometer that registers the funniness of neurological sensory stimulative engagements.
No Laughing Matter; Hot Book of Summer 2025. The author says it’s as much a family heirloom as it is a comedy show with fun sensory tests readers pass for lessons of life learned, included in the book.
Preorders available for the boo,k with the comedy show audio version of the book also included.
Get your copy and earn your Sensory Entertainment Education (SEE) certification in sensory awareness. It’s the new sensation; if you have that 7th sense.
Yes, we have 5 senses, so what’s the 6th sense? Thomas asks and answers; if intuition is the 6th sense, then the 7th sense is; the sense of humor.
No Laughing Matter is a Comedy Album Music Art StoryBook of sensory engaging literary and pictorial exhibitions structured into 15 Comedy Chapter stories for readers to; get your laugh on.
Pictures from; The Art of God Photographs Collection and Geometric Digital Arts images, form the rudiments of the visual sensory learning laughing experience for adults.
The live comedy recording is included with the book, serves as the rudiments of the auditory sensory learning laughing experience for adults; included as a free $20 gift credit card.
Why adults? Visual acuity tests and over the AIR (Adult Intelligence Restricted) broadcast jokes are considered intellectually above the maturity level of children; it’s not about age, it's understanding.
$50 is the price of the 8 x 11.5 hardcover bound with cover to cover full color multi-sensory book exhibitions of and for laughter and learning.
No Laughing Matter – The Summer Book 2025; get it wherever you shop for books; order at author website:; or email inquiry to:
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NuNique Institute Knowledge Engineering / Thomas Fuller 14073346218