“No more doubt – Science Confirms the Bible” book finally proves evolution theory is a hoax

Pierre Kandorfer describes the biggest fraud in human history and sets the record straight

California City, California Sep 21, 2018 (Issuewire.com)  - The latest book by Pierre A. Kandorfer delivers the latest proof that science confirms the accuracy of the Bible. Our secular society wants to make us believe that the Bible represents only an irreconcilable conflict between “science vs. religion”. This atheist worldview is suggesting a dispute between scientific facts versus a religious belief system. Nothing can be further from the truth, and scientific facts can prove it.

Incidentally, the proof of Bible’s historical correctness is by far no more a scientific problem. This question has been decisively answered decades ago. What remains, is only the interpretation of scientific facts, depending on people’s worldview.

It is true that the Bible is not a “science book”. At the same time, we are not aware of any evidence that the Bible contradicts the science. Actually, just the opposite. The book assembles all the facts we must know.

The book documents hundreds of scientific facts the Bible mentioned already thousands of years ago. Pierre A. Kandorfer compares these facts with the “evolution theory” by Charles Darwin, which many scientists now call a hoax and a complete fraud. Don’t be fooled! This book will finally set the record straight.

The paperback is available at Amazon and other booksellers and costs only $9.95. An eBook version is also available at just $2.95.

Pierre Kandorfer is a veteran journalist with thirty-five years of media background. Being half French, half Austrian, he grew up in the middle of Europe and has written a series of books and thousands of articles. Pierre Kandorfer has a Ph.D., used to be President and Dir. Of Programming of EuroChannel Broadcasting, speaks several languages, taught Communications at a college in Europe, and is considered a media analyst with special focus on media, society, and politics.


Media Contact

NeverGiveUpYourDream.us pierre@pierrekandorfer.com 7609800769 http://NeverGiveUpYourDream.us

Source : Pierre A. Kanddorfer, Ph.D.

Categories : Education , Family , Publishing , Religion , Research
Tags : Christianity , faith , evolution , Darwin , hoax , science , education , school , college , Kandorfer



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