Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jun 22, 2023 ( - Bring It On shows how we have been conditioned to play the wrong game. This book is a blueprint for transforming parts of your life that can unlock your next level. Despite the author's outer success, he was unhappy, unhealthy, and exhausted. He believes he's not alone.
Dhiren discovered that he had to overcome certain limiting beliefs he carried, which enabled him to then redesign his personal reality.
Once released, the book will be available in print format in the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East; and the e-book will have distribution from more than 70 online partners serving readers across the globe.
About The Author:
Dhiren is an eternal student of transformation, leadership, and mindset.
As an entrepreneur, he has been scaling businesses for over two decades and across five industries, where he founded and exited multiple ventures.
As an adventure enthusiast, Dhiren’s love for pushing himself out of his comfort zone saw him training for ultra-running races, competing in Ironman races, and climbing mountains.
Dhiren is deeply passionate about unlocking human potential.
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An indie publisher, Passionpreneur Publishing successfully helps entrepreneurs and professional experts become International Authors in as few as 90 days.
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