pCloudy 5.5 Released With New Features And Updates

  • pCloudy 5.5 Released With New Features And Updates

Dublin, California Nov 21, 2019 (Issuewire.com)  - In an effort to further simplify testing, we pCloudy has released a new version with exciting features and updates. Now users can run Espresso through API as Espresso now supports the much more stable Test Orchestrator from Google. Apart from this now you can use live view on espresso. pCloudy has added support for the latest Appium version which is Appium 1.1.12. In private/on-premise clouds, a user can log in only when their sign up is approved by Admin. With this feature, the Admin can choose to bypass the Approval process if needed.

pCloudy has released a new feature called "Audio Interaction Testing". This feature can be used for Audio output testing as well as Audio input testing. To perform audio output testing just book a device on the pCloudy platform, play any audio/video file and then click on the "Audio Out" icon. For audio input testing, users can click on the "Audio In" icon and use their voice to send as an input to the device. 

About pCloudy

pCloudy is the next-gen mobile app testing platform with more than 5000 device browser combinations. Mobile app testing is critical to ensure smooth functioning and better user experience. pCloudy solves the issue of testing an app on multiple devices with different specifications and saves the user from spending big bucks on building a device lab. Users can perform manual testing as well as automated testing on real devices in pCloudy. Users can perform network testing, local site testing, cross-browser testing, performance testing, functional testing and non-functional testing on multiple iOS and Android devices. pCloudy is integrated with most of the popular testing frameworks and tools like Appium, Espresso, Jira, GitHub, Jenkins, Android Studio, Eclipse, etc. pCloudy has a global presence and provides solutions to many Fortune 500 companies.


Media Contact

pCloudy info@pcloudy.com 8337787872 11750 Dublin Blvd, Suite 200 https://www.pcloudy.com
Categories : Banking , Business , Mobile , Software , Technology
Tags : mobile app testing , functional testing , cross browser testing , app testing


pCloudy is a Continuous testing platform that helps to speed up the app testing by enabling end to end continuous testing for enterprises. With more than 5000 device browser combinations and infra to scale, it helps enterprise achieve quality at speed. From functional to automation to bot tests can be performed seamlessly on this platform. It offers public, private and on premise cloud offerings to its customers.

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