Prince of Monaco honored during UN General Assembly with award for leadership in healthcare finance

At the America Tower in New York City, during the UN General Assembly, Prince Albert II of Monaco was honored with the Presidential Award for Economic and Sustainable Development in Healthcare Finance. Award was given by the Harvard GIVE Fellowship.

New York City, New York Oct 19, 2018 (  - At the America Tower in New York City, during the UN General Assembly, Prince Albert II of Monaco was honoured with the Presidential Award for Economic and Sustainable Development in Healthcare Finance. The award was given by the Harvard GIVE Fellowship in partnership with the United Nations. It was received by Ambassador Isabelle Picco, the UN Permanent Ambassador of Monaco.

Ambassador Picco spoke of the expansive contribution to both domestic and global health finance that Prince Albert II has led Monaco to embark in. She elaborated on Monaco taking the lead funding for fighting sickle cell anaemia that Monaco has carried out to help distressed populations facing this disease. She also spoke of the financial commitment the Prince has directed towards the eradication of tuberculosis and other diseases.

Prince Albert II directed Monaco’s Official Development Assistance authorities to establish the common guide to treating sickle cell disease in Africa, creating a close collaboration with referring doctors and patient associations within a sickle cell network. It covers Madagascar, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Senegal. This was done to face the issue of over 50 million people being born with this genetic disease while most of the doctors in the region do not have established treatment methods for it.

The Presidential Award for Economic and Sustainable Development for Healthcare Finance was given to Ambassador Picco on the behalf of Prince Albert II by Harvard Fellow Reginald Mbawuike, of the Harvard GIVE Fellowship and UN Champion of Change Abaynesh Asrat. The Harvard GIVE Fellowship is funded by Generating Innovation Ventures and Enterprises (GIVE) Inc. The launch of the GIVE Health Blockchain was also announced at the Presidential Awards and Business Roundtable.


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Categories : Biotech , Business , Event , Health , Investment
Tags : Blockchain , Healthcare , ICO , initial coin offering , Harvard , Prince Albert II , Monaco , Mbawuike , Crypto , Cryptocurrency
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