Dallas, Texas Nov 23, 2020 (Issuewire.com) - Amazing Things The Church, Dr. Steven DavidSon.
No question Covid is raging with more than a quarter-of-million succumbing, but according to Dr. Steven DavidSon, the nation’s leading Christ-based Counselor, there’s a more threatening condition.
“Yes, there’s a threatening condition with much greater impact, and there is no answer like a vaccine. Clearly, Covid-19 is so devastating. But we're witnessing an even greater swath of the population being manipulated to distrust the election system.
And no degree of factual evidence will help because rumor, combined with manipulative political, pulpit, and media forces do not have an objective presentation of truth or a conciliatory motive to heal the nation. Both sides view the other as an existential threat.”
Regardless of political preference DavidSon who does not endorse political candidates, points to pre-election political polls by all polls, consistent election results aligned with supportive court decisions, and a pattern of felonious characteristics.
“Attacking the election system against such empirical evidence demonstrates how grave the condition is. Democracy is in the cross-hairs and the condition is so grave clearly millions don’t care, or more likely don’t recognize the implications of their actions in mass. Our Democracy is on the brink of conclusion.”
DavidSon, points to something even more ironic and painful for him. “Being Christ-based even more disheartening is seeing millions of evangelicals in this condition of Biblical-delusion. The Evangelicals are so politically sullied, they’re unable to function as a healer. Factually. they’ve contributed unabashedly to the terminal condition of the nation.” DavidSon often refers to a Biblical prophecy where masses of deceived Christians fall to a dark governing authority.
DavidSon continues: “According to the Scripture, they so embrace and enable obvious and continuous lying and deceit of this dark authority and a supporting system, God ‘rains’ delusion upon them to their eternal destruction. They refuse to observe the truth about this person that would deliver them. Whether anyone believes, it is irony or reality, this will lead to a regretful conclusion. We all must prepare.”
Dr DavidSon is also the author of the Emergence of the Beast and Beast System Thesis, a series of observable contemporary events representing an apocalyptic conclusion. There’s a featured web site at FCGLiterature.info
DavidSon’s an author, developer of the Christ-based Counseling modality, and pioneer in web-based ministry since the mid-1990s. The Christ-based Ministry enterprise of twenty-two web sites, features non-apostate Christ-based Counseling and Education. Amazing Things The Church is the heart of the work for nearly thirty years with daily live programming on social media. DavidSon also served the nation bi-vocationally in the military (working in the intelligence field), and as a civilian for more than forty years. He was distinguished for his outstanding contributions by President Ronald Reagan, and Agency leaders during the period as a civilian employee. He’s also presently Executive Pastor of the New Beginnings Church in Lewisville, Texas (SBC) with Joseph Fields, Senior Pastor. Fields has also been vocal about the partisan political-evangelicals. He served previously as an executive-level official with the General Baptist Convention of Texas (BGCT), an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Media Only Contact:
Dr. Dennise Bates
Executive Pastor (ATTC)
(281) 677-8564
Media Contact
Amazing Things The Church (a Christ-based Ministry) dbates@christbasedcounseling.org 7137758824 4251 FM 2181, Suite 230-437 http://cbcentral.info