Richest Italian Writers: 7 out of 10 are from Bruno Editore

The sale of books, in particular ebooks, is growing, but what really generates profit for the author is the ability to arouse interest by promoting his business.

  • Richest Italian Writers: 7 out of 10 are from Bruno Editore
  • Richest Italian Writers: 7 out of 10 are from Bruno Editore
  • Richest Italian Writers: 7 out of 10 are from Bruno Editore
  • Richest Italian Writers: 7 out of 10 are from Bruno Editore

Milano, Lombardia Apr 29, 2019 (  - The Italian publishing industry continues to record a positive trend. In 2018, sales of paper books grew by 2.8%, while ebooks were up 3.2%. The digital market, however, today is no longer represented only by electronic books, but by a whole series of connected accessory services, such as web services and databases, which together represent 16.3% of total turnover, with growth by 3.7% (data from the 2018 AIE report - Italian Publishers Association). The Istat five-year survey data, updated to 2016, also indicate a stability of reading, both in books and in the new mix of formats that can be used on multiple devices, with 65.4% of Italians who in the last 12 months have read at least one book, an ebook or listened to an audiobook.

Therefore, that of Italian publishing seems to be a market in continuous and profitable ferment, as confirmed also by Giacomo Bruno, founder of the publisher Bruno Editore, specializing in ebooks for training: "Today what decides the success of bestsellers is their capacity to transmit content and information that can really make a difference in people's lives. - explains Bruno - For the authors, however, the real gain is not given only by royalties, which is around 1$ or a little more for a copy sold. A book can be a valuable tool to make your business known and promoted, increasing its positive reputation, and thus attracting new potential customers".

An approach that Giacomo Bruno was able to successfully develop, as the ebook shows, "Scrittura Veloce 3X", of which he is both the author and publisher, which sold "only" 4,000 copies, but which managed to arouse the real people's interest, with the consequent sale of thousands of video courses and hundreds of tickets for classroom courses held by Bruno, generating total revenues for $ 1,500,000 and allowing him to win the "Two Comma Club" Award in the United States of America, a recognition reserved for books that have exceeded $ 1 million in sales.

To express the concept more concretely, Bruno analyzed the sales of Italian authors, starting from the data of authoritative research institutes, such as Nielsen and Gfk. Although the data refer to 2016, chosen as the sample year, since there was a greater amount of information on this, it can be stated that the highlighted trend reflects the current sales trend. Taking into account only the copies sold, the ranking of the "richest" Italian authors of that year would be the following (in brackets the estimate of receipts derived from copyright):

Andrea Camilleri, L’altro capo del filo (283 k)
Roberto Saviano, La paranza dei bambini (180 k)
Chiara Gamberale, Adesso (150 k)
Elena Ferrante, L’amica geniale (130 k)
Antonio Manzini, 7-7-2007 (127 k)
Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Caffè amaro (114 k)
Marco Malvaldi, La battaglia navale (104 k)
Fabio Volo, È tutta vita (101 k)

But were these books able to generate real enthusiasm in the reader and business for their authors? Are these really the Italian books that have received the highest revenue? It would seem not. Among the titles not included in the ranking, for example, it should be noted "Liberati da Equitalia", by Carlo Carmine for Bruno Editore, a text full of practical information, in which the author explains how to win a dispute by appealing against Equitalia. His readers have gained confidence in him, finding answers to problems that plagued them in real life, and this has generated word of mouth. In a short time, Carmine has seen its appeals business grow exponentially, earning $ 5,000,000 in revenue with just one book.

In the light of this analysis, therefore, the TOP10 of the richest Italian writers should be the following (in brackets the estimate of the total proceeds derived from the publication):

Carlo Carmine, Liberati da Equitalia/AER (5.000.000€)
Giacomo Bruno, Scrittura Veloce 3X (1.500.000€)
Michele Tribuzio, Il più grande venditore del terzo millennio (500.000€)
Alex Abate, Vivi da Leader (345.000€)
Andrea Camilleri, L’altro capo del filo (283.000€)
Luca De Gaetano, Business ReAction (250.000€)
Emanuele Rissone, Metodo Imprenditore Libero (201.500€)
Marco Massai, Marketing per Hotel (200.000€)
Roberto Saviano, La paranza dei bambini (180.000€)
Chiara Gamberale, Adesso (150.000€)

This reflection demonstrates the power of books as a means of entertainment, information, and dissemination, but also a general desire of readers to want to improve their skills and abilities.


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