Sat Nijjer, Fortel Owner showing his responsibility by advising key things to stay safe from COVID 19

Fortel Owner, Sat Nijjer Guide for Employees About Coronavirus

  • Sat Nijjer, Fortel Owner showing his responsibility by advising key things to stay safe from COVID 19
  • Sat Nijjer, Fortel Owner showing his responsibility by advising key things to stay safe from COVID 19
  • Sat Nijjer, Fortel Owner showing his responsibility by advising key things to stay safe from COVID 19
  • Sat Nijjer, Fortel Owner showing his responsibility by advising key things to stay safe from COVID 19

West Midlands, United Kingdom Mar 15, 2020 (  - Being the owner of Fortel, Sat Nijjer announced his comments about coronavirus. According to him, coronavirus is a serious epidemic that is affecting so many people all over the world, especially in China, Iraq, Iran, and Italy.  It is a very deadly virus that is destroying the liver once you get in contact with it, therefore, care is very important.

By and large, the whole article is based on the focus of Fortel Security Guards who are working at the gates, about Fortel labours who are always on sites, and also about the Fortel office staff. According to Sat Nijjer, they might not know about this virus, so they must know about it through their owner and stay safe from any such attack.

Fortel owner, Sat Nijjer quoted that ‘the virus might not cost you anything in terms of life and money, but your carelessness can cost you everything that you have’. With this quote, the owner of Fortel tried to just give across the message that how insane these virus effects are and how much attention people need to give this issue.

Ground workers and Labourer’s are very close to Sat Nijjer, Fortel owner, as he thinks they play a vital role in the success of the company. He wants them to take extra care. Clean their hands after short periods of time and also ensure that they don’t shake hands with others and don’t touch others also.

Here are the points which Sat Nijjer shared with them to guide that what are the various symptoms which one need to be careful about”


  • Sat Nijjer told guards and gatemen that the first symptom is flue like in which your throat will irritate you. This should be get checked right at the time you identify it.
  • The second symptom would be the conversion of this flue in pneumonia and that is the serious stage that comes very quickly after the first one. The Fortel owner told that this is a crucial stage that must be avoided at all costs.
  • SARS and MERS are less dangerous than coronavirus, and the symptoms mild be compared with them when you get that virus. Sat Nijjer said that it is your responsibility to immediately identify that which one is bothering you from them.


After telling about the symptoms, the Fortel owner started to advise on what one can do to just avoid all of this mess. Here is the list of those points from Sat Nijjer.


  • Hand washing is most important, and it should be done more than 3 to 4 times in one day. Also, try to stay away from people who are probably suffering from this virus.
  • Fortel owner also old that if you are doubtful that you have this virus in you, then try to stay in your home and do not go out unless or until you are fine.
  • Use a mask when you go out for some work and try to keep it covered all the time because the catching capacity of humans through this is very easy and simple.
  • Try to stock something for the daily use, the Fortel owner told the employees. Along with that, have a full stock of medicines with you when you are confirming this issue in your body.


Well, Sat Nijjer has told everything in detail, and we are quite sure that their guideline must be of great help for the people working in the Fortel.


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Source : Fortel

Categories : Advertising , Business , Construction , Engineering , Marketing
Tags : Fortel , Sat Nijjer

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