Say Goodbye to Metal Braces and Hello to Clear Aligners - DentC

DentC is the one-stop solution for all dental issues. DentC has a team of certified and trained dentists, orthodontists, and dental specialists. Contact DentC and Book A Smile Session today!

Udaipur, Rajasthan Sep 5, 2022 (  - There's no need to suffer through metal braces anymore! Clear Aligners are the latest innovation in orthodontic treatments, and they offer a much more comfortable and convenient way to achieve the smile a person always wanted. In Clear Aligners, teeth move gradually into the desired position by using clear plastic trays.
They are virtually invisible when worn, and help in straightening teeth without anyone even knowing. Clear Aligners are also removable. Users can take them out for eating, drinking, and cleaning. Best of all, they're more comfortable to wear than metal braces ensuring treatment with minimal discomfort. It helps to move teeth very slowly and is custom-made for each individual.

DentC Clear Aligners are transparent trays made of high-quality material that straighten teeth. A gentle and constant force is applied to move the teeth in the desired position without the hassle of wires and brackets. Digital scans help to customize them for each patient.
Give a call today to learn more about Clear Aligners and how they can help to achieve a beautiful, straight smile!

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About Us
Invisible braces changed the way people viewed orthodontic treatment. DentC offers clear aligners that are much better than braces and Invisalign. DentC provides dental solutions such as invisible aligners, invisible braces, and other dental products to improve smiles. Book Now!!


Media Contact

DentC 8899007070 Plot No. 306, Road No. 4, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur- 313001, Rajasthan
Categories : Health , Medical
Tags : Clear Aligners , Invisible Braces , Teeth Aligners , Transparent Braces , Invisible Aligners , Invisible Teeth Braces , Transparent Teeth Braces , Clear Braces , Invisible Teeth Aligners


DentC can help you with invisible braces and other dental solutions. Our dental aligners will straighten your teeth and improve your smile. It is our objective to transform your smile without any pain, inconvenience, or hassle.
Plot No. 306, Road No. 4, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur- 313001, Rajasthan
Rajasthan, Udaipur
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