“Seeds of Destruction” by Elizabeth Abbott Green is an inspirational work of art and is now LIVE!

The book will be exhibited at the 29th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) from June 15 - 18, 2023.

Beijing, China Jun 14, 2023 (Issuewire.com)  - Life is a journey to the unknown; it is dynamic and liberating, and as we grow, we learn to live, accept and love both the light and the darkness it brings. We celebrate with each joy and cry for every heartache. We are navigators of our own lives, without a promise of a smooth sailing path, but we learn, and learn to adjust our sails to match all the waves and thunders we encounter.

“Life is a work of a lifetime” according to the author as she shares with us her book “Seeds of Destruction” which narrates the major incident that almost took the life of her son Greg, also the life of a family, on how they live with their struggles, joy, pain, and even finding the proper path in nurturing their faith in accordance to God’s will. “The book should be interesting to many audiences especially to young military families trying to cope with the demands of their work commitments, as they constantly move from one place to another” the author added.

Book Fans can get a copy of “Seeds of Destruction “ on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, or at the author’s website  https://suegolemonwhitaker.com/


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Categories : Books , Event , Literature , Marketing , Publishing
Tags : Beijing , BIBF , Beijing International Book Fair , Self Publsihing , Author
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