Selenium Testing - Career Opportunities in Selenium Testing

New York City, New York Jan 18, 2021 (  -  

An Introduction to Selenium

Selenium is an open-source software testing tool. It is used to test the code written in many languages ​​such as java, ruby, python, etc. Particularly in web applications, Selenium testing is done much more often. Selenium is an automated software testing tool which means there is no need to write code or test cases by hand to test with selenium. 

Selenium has a winning test suite, and in addition, it also provides support for writing test cases in any language like C #, Java, or Scala. Selenium can be used on any operating system platform such as Windows, Mac, or Linux. It's open-source, which means it's completely free to use. 

In this article, we outline the career prospects of working with selenium technology.

Education Needed for Learning Selenium

Typically, a Bachelor of Engineering degree is required to work with technology projects such as software development or testing. However, there are many people from other backgrounds who are testing software. Bachelor of Computer Applications, Master of Computer Applications, Bachelor (IT), etc. Also, some of the degrees are taken into account for such jobs. Generally, M. Tech or MS is not required for such a profession, but people with higher degrees are often preferred for promotions or positions as a team leader or manager, etc. 

Many companies these days also provide jobs to people who do not have a formal degree in computer science or related fields. The ecosystem of the software engineering discipline is becoming democratized these days when the right skill set and passion for working on a specific topic are the only important criteria. Many companies no longer attach importance to educational qualifications or the percentage of grades received.

Selenium Career Growth

Selenium testing jobs are entry-level jobs where most people have zero to five years of experience. Typically, after hiring, companies train their employees in such technologies for several months, and then they are given small and simple tasks as a team. Gradually, people begin to pick up the phone, and then they are assigned more complex and complex tasks. Usually, after 2-3 years of work experience, people receive independent assignments with little or no supervision. During this time, candidates are expected to complete assignments without much guidance and develop leadership and independent thinking skills. Mostly after 5-6 years of work they are promoted as team leaders, senior software tester, scrum master, etc.

Positions or Fields of Application

Most positions start with zero prior experience and the usual assignment is Junior Software Engineer or Junior Trainee Engineer or something. Once the work has been confirmed, the assignment may sometimes change to a junior software engineer or junior tester. A similar title of Senior Software Tester and Scrum Master or Team Leader is given with relevant experience and years of work experience. 

The applications in this area are huge, as almost all software development requires software testing. All organizations, large or small, use software testers to test their code for proper quality and functionality. Selenium is one of the most famous testing tools, so its application and demand in this area are very promising.

Selenium Tester Salary

The entry-level salary ranges from 2.5 to 4 lakhs in Indian content. For the international market, it can be adjusted accordingly depending on the market and country. For example, salaries are usually higher in American and European countries. We'll talk about the Indian scenario here. After entry-level, junior and senior developing usually receive about 5-8 lakh salaries. Expectations over 10 lakhs are difficult to meet if candidates do not know more than one technology and are not very good at it. Once someone becomes a team leader or scrum master or reaches a similar position, the salary can rise significantly.

Because there are already a large number of software testers on the market if they are saturated with so many jobs or new hires. Because of this, the trend in wages has also been constant over the past 3-4 years. 

To get the best prospects, candidates should try to acquire several skills. Aside from Selenium, if they have experience with other testing tools and the chances of a better job with a higher pay increase significantly.

A Career in Selenium Testing

The advantage of a career in Selenium is that it doesn't require anyone to be exceptional at programming. Even non-computer science candidates can get jobs in this area, and writing code is not a major part of the job. Thus, it attracts many candidates from a related technical field, but not very knowledgeable in programming or coding. It's easy to learn and very intuitive and fun to work with. 

This is one of those software development jobs that will never get out of hand if the candidate is pragmatic and passionate about it. Even if technology changes and some new tool emerges, smart and hardworking candidates can quickly master new technologies and quickly become available to the market.

About Mindmajix

The ultimate goal of the mindmajix is to train you, guide you, and make you industry-ready in the chosen field. We deliver superior quality of training with case studies for both students and working professionals. After completion of the course candidates will get a Certificate of completion that will add worth to their resume.

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We discussed the Selenium career prospects in the detailed analysis presented in relation to job availability, requirements, salary trends, and long-term career prospects. Applicants are expected to have enough perspectives to understand the job market in this segment and thus make pragmatic choices when they receive a job offer in this field. 

Applicants are also encouraged to speak with their friends, peers, and mentors to learn more about this technology, its applications, and career advancements in this area. First-person observation is always good.

If someone does not have a sufficient understanding of the technical aspects of selenium, its functions, and uses, then mindmajix online Selenium Training tutorials should be followed, or they can also sign up for live sessions to learn enough so they can pass an interview and get a job without much hassle.


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Mindmajix Technologies Inc. New York(NY) United States (US) - 10001
Categories : Education , Software , Technology
Tags : Seleniumcareer , seleniumtesting , selenium , seleniumtraining , automationtestingtools

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