Sitcom stars Vicki Michelle, Jeffrey Holland and Sherrie Hewson feature in new Comedy Barmy Dale

Recording live on London Stage at The Putney Arts Theatre

London, United Kingdom Sep 4, 2022 (  - Comedy award-nominated podcast Barmy Dale is set to go live on the London stage.

The multi-award nominated podcast Barmy Dale features British Comedy Legends Vicki Michelle (Allo Allo), Sherrie Hewson (Benidorm) Jeffrey Holland (Hi De Hi) and Judy Buxton (On The Up) can confirm the first dates of a live stage recorded version of the hit sitcom.

Barmy Dale which is presently ending its second successful series on podcast and radio as also featured the likes of Karl Howman and Mike Fenton Stevens in reoccurring roles.

The new recorded live stage version of Barmy Dale will begin at The Putney Arts Theatre, London from the 28th of October to the 30th of October.

The producers and writers of the show Martin Skellern and Stuart Wheeldon have worked hard to bring together a multi-talented cast from the hit sitcoms of yesteryear. They describe Barmy Dale as an old-fashioned sitcom, inspired by the writing of Croft and Perry, who produced hit shows such as Allo Allo and Hi De Hi. 

“Series 3 of Barmy Dale promises to be bigger, bolder, and barmier than ever” states Stuart, while Martin simply says “We are excited to be bringing our sitcom to a live audience, this is something we have discussed for a long time” 

Each live performance will be made up of two episodes from the new series, starting in Putney with episodes 1 and 2.  More Comedy royalty is promised for further episodes in the future.

Tickets are priced at £16 and £12 concessions.

Please visit the Putney Arts Theatre website to purchase tickets.

For more information on Barmy Dale and access to the first two series of the Podcast visit


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Barmy Productions

Source : Barmy Dale

Categories : Arts , Entertainment , Event , Media
Tags : comedy , theatre , podcast , live event , london , putney , barmy dale , sitcom
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