Snl Token Brings Crypto Into SPORT & LEISURE

Innovative universal financial instrument, SnL Token, aims to revolutionize the sport and leisure world with the launch of its crypto ecosystem

  • Snl Token Brings Crypto Into SPORT & LEISURE

Los Angeles, California Jan 8, 2019 (  - SnL Token is a unique financial instrument and digital currency ecosystem that has been rated by many as “the World Most Demanded Crypto for Sport & Leisure” thanks to its unique features and amazing features that distinguish it from other digital currencies in the space.

SnL Token was created to solve the major problem of the crypto industry - the absence of a solid connection with the real economy. While entering the cryptocurrency market is relatively easy, exiting can be somewhat difficult and risky. Many experts and professionals have proffered several solutions to ensure the stability of the markets and consequently facilitate the global adoption of cryptocurrencies. However, many of the available solutions have not particularly addressed the needs of digital currency enthusiasts. This is where SnL Token is looking to make a huge difference.

SnL Token is unlike any other asset-backed coins like Tether as it has a fixed change rate that is backed by Ethereum with 18181 for each ETH as the minimum value of our token. Consequently, SnL Token is looking to bridge the gap between the traditional and digital sport and leisure industries.

Some of the unique features of SnL Token and the ecosystem include exclusive innovative daily fantasy sports games, Extra layer of strategy in every game, and lowest rake in the industry. The token is designed to be ideal for all users and enthusiasts of cryptocurrency including private and institutional investors as well as fund managers, corporates and service providers, and miners.

More information about "THE ONLY DECENTRALIZE TOKEN IN THE WORLD" can be found on their website.


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SnL Token
Categories : Finance , Sports , Technology
Tags : Snl Token , SPORT & LEISURE , digital currency ecosystem
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