Social Media Marketing: What It Is and How to Build Your Strategy | Universell LLC

When you choose, you will be able to use a dashboard that offers an overview of your follower and how they interact with your brand on different channels, including social media, Google, and email.

Miami, Florida Oct 10, 2022 (  - Universell LLC

In a world that is digitally connected, the competition is tough among potential online marketers and retailers. Hence, your online business needs an excellent online marketing strategy that helps you meet your business goals and also enables your business to get online visibility so that it grows. 

Social media platforms are one of the most used channels when potential buyers are seeking information about a product or service. So, if your brand does not have a social media marketing (SMM) strategy, you are missing out on a major chunk of prospective customers. 

What is Social Media Marketing?

When you use social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok to promote your brand and sell your products or services, it is known as social media marketing

Having a presence on social media means that you can engage your existing and prospective customers, promote new products or services, and post content that showcases your business’ value and story. 

SMM encompasses everything you do on social media platforms. However, it cannot be an ad hoc strategy. To gain the maximum ROI, you need a well-thought-out social media marketing plan.

How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Your SMM strategy needs to be organized and systematic. It is only then that you will be able to get the right results. Here are a few steps that you need to take to create a solid SMM strategy:

Set Business Goals:

You need to first define your goals. These could be increasing brand awareness, getting more followers, generating leads, or increasing engagement with your target audience. Take time to think about the goals and then set them so that you can then come up with an SMM strategy that is right for you. 

The goals should be realistic and it is best to divide larger goals into smaller ones so that you can achieve them and ensure that your SMM campaigns are more affordable. It is prudent to remember that once you create a strategy, you will need to devote time, effort, and energy to the campaigns so that you get the results you envisaged.

Get to Know Your Target Audience:

Before you launch your SMM campaigns, you should know your target audience. You should know which social media platforms your target audience uses to understand where you should be and the kind of content you should publish. Research shows that women prefer Pinterest while millennials and Gen Z are more active on Instagram and YouTube. On the other hand, well-educated professionals are active on LinkedIn. 

While there are tools that you can use, it is advisable to collaborate with an experienced social media marketing company, such as Universell. That way, you will be able to tap into the experience and also make use of the automated SMM toolkit for businesses to gain comprehensive insights into your audience’s behavior and personalize the content and their experience. 

Select the Right Social Media Platforms for Your SMM Campaigns:

Once you know more about your target audience and the social media platforms they prefer to use, you can select the platforms where your core audience is active. Working with a social media marketing company enables you to analyze the behavior of your target audience and select platforms that are right for your business and industry. 

When you choose, you will be able to use a dashboard that offers an overview of your follower and how they interact with your brand on different channels, including social media, Google, and email. When you have this data on hand, you will be able to create better and more result-oriented SMM campaigns. 

Build Data-driven SMM Strategy:

While you do need business goals when you build an SMM strategy, you should ensure that data forms the crux of your strategy. When you have the right social media metrics, you will be able to tweak and align your strategy and campaign to help you meet your business goals. 

Data-drive SMM enables you to analyze your reach, the number of clicks your campaign receives, the kind of engagement your campaign is generating, and how your most-used hashtags are performing. When you analyze this data, you will be able to improve your campaign and be better equipped to meet the goals you have set. 

Focus on Engaging Content:

The success of your social media marketing strategy depends on your content. Hence, it is imperative that you also have a content strategy in place so that you can make it engaging. Your content can be used to educate your target audience, improve customer service, and/or promote your products or services to increase sales. 

The right content will help you meet your business goals and also find your brand voice to suit the needs of your audience and ensure engagement. Some brands focus on lighthearted content that is popular among their followers while others focus on more serious or educational content. Regardless of what you choose, the content should resonate you’re your followers, positively reflect your brand and generate leads and sales. 

Perform Content Analysis of Your Competition:

As a part of your content creation strategy, you should also analyze the content of your competition. By reviewing the content of your competitors, you will be able to see what they are doing right or wrong. While you shouldn’t be looking to copy or steal their content, you can figure out what is working for them and try to incorporate those ideas into your content and SMM. 

Competitive analysis helps you optimize your SMM strategy so that it is more effective. That way, your content will be more relevant and your followers will keep returning to your social media page this, in turn, will generate leads and sales. 

In Conclusion

These are the things that you need to follow when you are building your SMM strategy. Ensure that you post regularly so that your followers have a constant flow of fresh content. That is why many online business owners use the Universel app. It has a single dashboard for social media as well as other online marketing channels, such as managing your email campaigns, payments, eCommerce, and orders. 

To find out more about how Universell can help you with your social media marketing and automate many of the processes, check out


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Tags : Universell , , Universel , social media marketing company , social media marketing plan , social media marketing

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