SoFlo TV Launches Lifestyle Networks with Global Reach Serving Jet Setting Markets

Las Vegas, Nevada Mar 25, 2020 (  - So Flo is expanding to additional jet setting locations such as Santa Barbara, Monaco, Las Vegas and partnered with Sirius Television for global distribution. This expanding network brings a fresh lens on travel, cuisine, home design, inspiration, shopping, finance and more. As the COV-19 virus impacts travel, people will rely more on experiencing new locations and cultures through television and digital devices.

The new lifestyle markets of Santa Barbara, Monaco, and Las Vegas will roll out in 2020.

SoFlo TV, a South Florida regional channel announced network expansion with SanBar TV, Serving the Santa Barbara Market, Monaco Television serving Monaco and Europe and its global coverage with Sirius Television. SoFlo has built a reputation of offering quality content that features locally produced short-form programming bringing top community businesses and services together with lifestyle shows that inspire and inform.

SoFlo’s growing network is bringing destination and local lifestyles of key markets together and cross-pollinating their fresh take on travel, home design, cuisine, shopping, finance and much more. Founder & CEO Martin Borer’s recent partnership with global strategist Tia Walker has proven to be a driving force in executing and expanding his vision. “ It’s been my vision to take SoFlo’s Television concept both national & international. I couldn’t be more thrilled to partner with Tia and her team. I’m privileged to create this next evolution of television and media with her.”, said Borer.

So Flo TV will leverage its comprehensive media platform of the parent company, Vision Ventures International LLC, to include digital, television and social media which will each play an integral role in bringing these new networks to the marketplace. The content of their four Networks will air on nationwide CW affiliates as well as OTT. In addition, their international programming will be distributed to their licensing partners worldwide.

About Company

SoFloTelevision is the newest and most innovative addition to the South Florida media scene. Airing on SFL CW, to bring you South Florida's Best in Entertainment, Food, News & Business from Vero Beach to Key West.


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SoFlo Television
Categories : Entertainment , Television
Tags : SoFloTelevision , Launches Lifestyle Networks , Nationwide CW Affiliates , OTT , International Programming , Food , News , Business , Entertainment
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