Ahmedabad, Gujarat Mar 26, 2020 (Issuewire.com) - In an age of universal software applications, Softqube Technology created dramatic achievements. Healthcare and Hospitality have benefited immensely from their work. Manufacturing and eCommerce, Real Estate and Retail, they have spread their wings diversely. Finance and Education are other areas of expertise. If business and technology drive the 21st century, the software provides the focus and the direction. This company motivates business growth and sustains infrastructure building. They represent fantastic collaboration and responsibility, a pioneering spirit, and profound agility.
Some recent achievements
It is the same on an individual level or with mighty organizations. Marketing and selling, visibility, and finding a voice are crucial. Their stunning portfolio comprises mighty projects. ORATARO and ISTNJ are among them. eMERS with the Namibia Government and KriyaRevGen are others. iRICH and VAVIS are on the agenda too. Comfort Suites, Media Brite Smile, are two other beneficiaries. The extensive portfolio includes a Hollywood Film ‘SORROW’ where they developed marketing materials.
Softqube Technologies has developed over 200 apps, 500 plus website projects, and over 150 online marketing and promotion campaigns.
What makes the company click?
The wonders of software like AI and AR are the inspiration for the millennial generation. Earlier, people asked what makes the planets move in their orbits. Nowadays, digital power keeps the world in motion. Demanding more and more digital wonders, it seems that the peak has now been reached.
What remains in the future is further refinement and more exceptional applications. IoT keeps every gadget and device connected in sync. The blockchain technology that started with bitcoins transmits factual information without storing it anywhere. AR has certainly made everything online so much more attractive. Machine learning simulates human brains and learns from the environment. Computerized AI similarly carries outs task independently like translations that humans carried out before.
The company has succeeded in amalgamating diverse digital systems. They feel the vibrating business pulse accurately. Like the winds and the waves, digital cross-currents in epic dimensions float across the world each moment. Deciphering the trends and preparing appropriate apps and websites, the company has reached very far globally with a dynamic team.
Start-ups and the well-established businesses
A glance across the online-dazzling world and everything does appear refreshingly new. Exceptionally successful start-ups have the advantage of being up to date with ideas and software. What about the innumerable long time successful organizations that need to refurbish and catch up with the ‘now’ generation? The aging architecture will have to be updated. SEO needs to adjust with the browser algorithms that continuously change. Page speed and loading time have to work really fast. It is a world where nobody waits.
Migration to better technology in time for those who are no longer new in business brings many advantages. With online presence becoming compulsory even for traditional brick and mortar organizations, websites and apps are required. Far from being ready-mades, apps and websites require human skills. A lengthy process gets set in motion. Putting heads together and developing aims and goals, the project takes shape.
Time and Cloud Security
Things take time may be a common-sense saying, but the company is punctual. They honor commitments and keep schedules. A delicate competitive sense keeps them traversing internet pathways with ease. In a world that makes sense only to the professionals, they seem quite at home. Along with personal safety, everyone is concerned about cybersecurity. The cloud has eased many such concerns by hosting massive data away from private hardware and keeping it safe too.
The company is well versed in Software Design Development, Web Designing, and Multimedia. They deliver eCommerce Solutions and build mobile apps, both native and cross-platform. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a vital component of online visibility. Experts in Business Software Services and embedded systems like RFID, GPS, and Bluetooth. .NET and PHP are some of their everyday tasks.
Existing in an open-source world
The key to business success is visibility and communication. That was easier in the print and television days. Now, with the added online dimension, complexities have set in. Yet, simplification has been achieved with the open-source systems. Open-source software beckons everywhere, unlike the rigid past. It is a world of WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. Even the layperson can achieve so much independently though the professionals drive businesses.
Catering to iOS and Android systems
Surrounded by an ocean of diversity, the diverse and the exceptional can succeed. Ahead with Microsoft Technologies and cross-platform apps, the company is flying high. Working globally being facilitated with the magical internet, the company serves everywhere.
Growing to mutual benefit
Launched rather long ago in digital terms in 2009, Softqube has come a long way. The intense competition amidst the frequent digital up-gradation has not dampened their spirits. Due credit goes to the team of the new generation professionals who have taken the digital challenges in their stride. The mutually blessed journey brought praise to the company and opened up magnificent new vistas of business growth to a long list of organizations.
Know some of the bright young stars with their exceptional digital skills. NitinSuvagiya (CEO) joins hands with KanwalRai (advisor). MehulPatoliya does web design while Nick Patel is an SEO expert. Vimal Bhatt speaks the unique Microsoft language.
Softqube has been delivering consistent and timely work to ensure happy business careers for the workers and the companies alike.
About Softqube Technologies
Founder and Managing Director Mr.Harikrishna Patel set up Softqube Technologies in 2009 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A leading software developer in India, the company has several offshore clients globally. Called ‘multimedia,’ the software world embraces much of the business and the administration, study, news, and entertainment industries. The software lies at the heart of it all, and Softqube Technology offers fragrant solutions that make a mark everywhere.
Media Contact
Softqube Technologies INC softqubestechnologies@gmail.com 8667638782 10120, Valley Forge Circle, King of Prussia, 19406, https://www.softqubes.com/