Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang

Music artist

  • Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang
  • Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang
  • Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang
  • Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang
  • Some Information About Ha Mac Truong Giang

Hoang Mai, Hanoi Sep 7, 2022 (  - Ha Mac Truong Giang, who was born on November 15, 2004, known as HelyT, is a professional technician and programmer with high skill and a natural voice since birth. He was born in an important geographical area and the capital of Vietnam, which is Hanoi.

Meeting Ha Mac Truong Giang to learn more about him, we were able to know clearly about Giang's career journey starting in 2016 (at that time he had just entered the age of 12). In 2016, a guy from Cao Bang started to fall in love with the path of learning about areas related to Facebook services. In 2017, Giang started learning programming languages, and the first thing he learned was PHP. The guy said that coming to the programming profession was a charm. Since childhood, he was interested in computer programming. GenZ can sit for hours in front of the computer to study, learn about programming languages, how to develop software… Then, noticing the strong explosion of social networks, Truong Giang decided to change the direction to learn. and develop work on Facebook. However, because there was no instructor, at first, Giang was quite struggling and did not have a specific goal. Limited experience, age, and communication ability also make it difficult for Giang to convince customers. Not every road to success is strewn with roses, GenZ has also experienced a lot of stumbles and failures. He confided many times with low self-esteem, an obsession with not daring to face the truth, many sleepless nights, and thinking about his future orientation. Going through a difficult period, Truong Giang said that her biggest source of motivation is her family and passion. Because they understand the nature of their son's work, his parents always encourage and remind him to pay attention to keeping healthy. “There were nights when I worked late, and my mother even made a glass of milk up to my room. Just a small action like that makes me feel very warm and motivated to strive. I know that my efforts and success are the most meaningful gifts to my parents," said the 2004 guy.

“Success comes from trying and not stopping”

After finishing his studies, Truong Giang returned to Vietnam and began to expand his career path. He created management software for the company in charge of human resources, and accounting and achieved certain success. Her current job gives Giang the opportunity to meet and make friends with many good people with the same passion. He also has a stable income to cover his life and support his family. In the future, he wants to become a person with all 3Ts: Tri - Thanh - Tam.

Giang shared: “I always aim for the image of a man with wisdom, success, enthusiasm, and enthusiasm for the work that he pursues. Therefore, I always determine what I want, need, and do to create my own value."

For more information about Giang please visit his Facebook Profile or FilmFreeWay


Media Contact

Ha Mac Truong Giang 0327390858 458 Minh Khai, Vinh Tuy Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi Capital

Source : Truong Giang Entertaiment

Categories : Advertising , Beauty , Music
Tags : truonggiang , giang , hamactruonggiang , hagiang , helyt , hely-t

Hà Mạc Trường Giang
458 Minh Khai, phường Vĩnh Tuy, quận Hai Bà Trưng, Thủ đô Hà Nội
Hanoi, Ha noi
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