South African Women's Alliance Award and Brand South Africa

Celebrating 25 Years of South African Democracy and The Sixth Anniversary of South African Women's Day in Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia Aug 23, 2019 (  - The rise of AN AFRICAN women worldwide - distinguished international WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS RECOGNIZED IN Atlanta

On Friday, August 23rd, and Saturday, August 24th, 2019, Brand South Africa in partnership with the South African Women’s Alliance is hosting 25 years of South African Democracy and the Sixth-Anniversary Dinner of South African Women’s Day in Atlanta.

South African Women’s Alliance is a non-profit organization in Atlanta founded by Maloase Mogodi that celebrates, empowers, and encourages young women to become involved in leadership positions within South Africans and the Diaspora; and honors pioneers in their respective fields.

One of the most crucial moments in the African woman’s global struggle for dignity took place on August 9, 1956, when over 20,000 South African women hit the streets and marched together in an extraordinary protest against discrimination. The 1956 march by thousands of fearless women is the testament to the role of women in bringing about democracy in South Africa. This seminal moment in South Africa’s history has been celebrated since 1995 as Women’s Day and is the focal point of Women’s Month celebrations. During Women’s Month, our nation recognizes the important role of political activism by women during the struggle for liberation against colonization and apartheid in South Africa. 

It is also an opportunity to reflect on the gains South Africans have made since 1994. Over the past 24 years, South Africa has made significant inroads insofar as gender parity and women empowerment is concerned. “We have made noteworthy progress in putting in place legislation and policy frameworks for advancing equality and empowerment for women,” says Maloase Mogodi, Founder of the South African Women’s Alliance.  

Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, “with a mandate to build the country's brand reputation in order to improve its global competitiveness. It aims also to build pride and patriotism among South Africans in order to contribute to social cohesion and nation brand ambassadorship”, says US Country Head, Mr. Mudunwazi Baloyi.

This year’s 6th annual celebration will be held on August 23rd and 24th, 2019, at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center; 246 Perimeter Center Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30346.  This year’s event will feature Talk show host Felicia Mabuza-Suttle who will officiate the celebration and honor the groundbreaking accomplishments and successes of women in music, theatre, and the film industries. It will feature delicious food, live entertainment, an award ceremony, and more.  The evening gala will honor and pay tributes to honorees through music, food and a live concert featuring honoree and veteran singer Abigail Kubeka and USA-USA Unity Ensemble award-winning musicians Mahalia Buchanan, Xolani Mdlalose and Jessica Mbangeni.

To attend, visit Or Call: 678-879-5110 


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Manchester Report 202-630-8481

Source : Brand South Africa - South African Women's Alliance

Categories : Arts , Beauty , Business , Tourism , Travel
Tags : Atlanta , south , africa , music , travel , tourism , arts , entertainment , democracy , women


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