Stunning new book “1079” provides solution to the coldest case in Russian history, the Dyatlov Pass incident.

Nuclear physicist and Chernobyl decontamination specialist Igor Pavlov and Discovery Channel: Expedition Unknown, Siberia's Coldest Case expert Teodora Hadjiyska tackle the seemingly inexplicable events which took place in the Northern Urals in 1959.

Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Jun 1, 2021 (  - The bizarre deaths of a group of experienced Russian mountaineers in what is known as the Dyatlov Pass incident have, for nearly sixty-two years, been considered one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th Century, captivating the imaginations of millions. Despite the numerous books and documentaries already existing on the subject, never before has there been such an all-encompassing, in-depth exploration of all of the facts. Pavlov and Hadjiyska's close scrutiny of the case comes complete with supporting documentation and testimony from those involved in both the search for the missing hikers and subsequent investigations into the case, including forensic scientists. “1079” is the ultimate compilation and analysis of data on the subject, culminating in an astounding new theory that finally offers a plausible explanation for what may have actually happened to the Dyatlov group, accounting for all strange facts surrounding the enigma. The mountain of information that the book is based on is published on the most exhaustive and comprehensive site on the subject:

"The Dyatlov Pass Incident is one of the most confounding mysteries of the 20th century. Since it occurred in the Soviet Union sixty-two years ago, it has gained worldwide fame and an international following, resulting in dozens of books, articles, and documentary films. Teodora Hadjiyska is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Dyatlov enigma and also the creator of, the most comprehensive website on the subject. I highly recommend her work!" — Douglas Preston, author of the recent The New Yorker article on the case

"Researcher Teodora Hadjiyska is the world's foremost expert on the Dyatlov Pass incident, having compiled and translated every known document related to the case before putting it on the web for the public to analyze." — Josh Gates, Expedition Unknown

"The Dyatlov Pass incident occurred at a time when our nations were sworn enemies, but its mystery unites people the world over, and the more we get to know of the hikers' lives and fraternity the more they seem to like every one of us." — Steve Halliday, United Kingdom.



Media Contact

Teodora Hadjiyska (702) 877-7002 7572 Mystic Voyage St

Source : Morpheus International

Categories : Books , Tourism , Travel
Tags : Dyatlov Pass , Russia , Sibera , Urals , Igor Dyatlov , Dyatlov group , Cold case , Mystery , True crime , New book

Dyatlov Pass

Nuclear physicist and Chernobyl decontamination specialist Igor Pavlov and Discovery Channel: Expedition Unknown, Siberia's Coldest Case expert Teodora Hadjiyska dive deep into the so-called Dyatlov Pass incident.
7572 Mystic Voyage St
Nevada, Las Vegas
(702) 877-7002
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