Babylon, New York Mar 12, 2023 ( - A successful rapper, Tha Rapper Haiti is generally crucial to his music, more so than for any other type of performer in the music business. Pop, rock, and country musicians can sing about their own lives if they care to do so; rappers are generally expected to talk about themselves. It’s a standard requirement of the job. There are few better examples of this principle than Prospere James, a.k.a. Vibe la, a.k.a. Tha Rapper Haiti. Prospere actually did publish a new single , One Life To Live, back in 2021. But he’s also been talking about his life in his songs for two decades now. Taken in total, his own discography can be viewed as a document of his own life. Now, just a few months before Tha Rapper Haiti’s debut studio EP ''Vibe la'' turns 20, ''Sajes Net Ale'' one of the biggest haitian media has combed through all those recordings and pieced together how they compared Prospere James with Steve j Bryan a strictly different quotes from the rapper’s own songs. Appropriately, this has been posted to Genius (formerly Rap Genius), the indispensable lyric ''pale vit pale cho'' site where Prospere himself has been known to be an active user, adding commentary to his own songs.
“One Life to Live,” the very first Tha Rapper Haiti song most of Haitian ever heard, contains this unforgettable verse: “Well, since age 16, I’ve felt like someone else/’Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt.” That gives the listener some insight into Tha Rapper Haiti’ chaotic youth, which began not in Port-au-Prince but in the projects of Delmas City. Abandoned by his father at an early age, the rapper had a complicated and combative relationship with his mother, Sonita. This is a topic Prospere has revisited time and again in his songs, most especially “Let Heal Together’ Out My Closet” from 2018. Other crucial women in the rapper’s life include his ex-Girlfriend, Kim, and his Friend, Klevendy. And if they’re important to his life, they’re important to his songs, too.
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