The 12,800 Years Old Comet Made a Drastic Change in Syria

The northern part of Syria got hit by a surreal comet nearly 12,800 years ago, which made a radical change in the agriculture industry of the country.

Damascus, Dimashq Oct 9, 2023 (  - A recent study shows how a comet made an impact on the northern part of Syria. Now it is coming to know that the comet hit the earth nearly 12,800 years ago. But it left Syria with a great effect even now. For this particular comet, there was a huge change in the agriculture and wildlife scenario. The analysis of this incident is leaving everyone shocked.

The researchers have stated ‘Based on current analyses, this would be the earliest example of a human settlement catastrophically affected by a cosmic impact event’. The climate of this certain place is quite different from other parts of the country. And now it is being said that the reason for such an unusual thing is that particular comet.

Now the researchers are trying to do further research on the village of Abu Hureyra. Currently, this prehistoric village has been submerged under a reservoir named Lake Assad in the northern part of the country. In addition to that, another thing about this incident has surprised everyone. The earth was hit by an icy comet and that has affected the 62-mile wide surface of the planet.

From this, imagining the impact can be really impossible. The massive comet has changed Syria in a huge way. This comet created immense heat and also affected the atmosphere of the world on an overall basis. Along with that, this particular place of the country was completely covered in dust for a long time and the sunlight was also completely blocked. This made the place even colder than ever.

This particular event has made a huge change in the cultivation. Before, there was a culture of cultivating fruits but after the incident, the whole country had to make a shift to lentils and grains. Otherwise, there was no choice left for the villagers. Researchers have also said ‘The villagers started to cultivate barley, wheat, and legumes…This is what the evidence clearly shows. There are many researches that are due to happen. So further things on this will be provided by the researchers in the future.


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Daniel Martin
Categories : Science
Tags : Comet Explosion , Comet Impact , Agriculture

Daniel Martin

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