The Amazon Model of Church Ministry, Covid Has Accelerated a New Day

Dallas, Texas Apr 14, 2021 (  - An estimated 20% or more of Churches in the US have closed or will close according to Barna reasearch. It’s not new for churches to close doors with attendance already experiencing a sustained decline. But Covid has accelerated the process for Churches to move to a virtual based-operation like most other industries according to Dr. Steven DavidSon. DavidSon is the nation’s Christ-based leader, and Senior Pastor of Amazing Things The Church an online Church averaging 25,000 a day with daily live programming, Christ-based Counseling, and education courses, reaching over a million a month worldwide.

“No question, it is a new day.  I’ve been with numerous local churches of various sizes for more than fifty years including multi-cultural churches. The Covid impact may be the greatest threat to brick-and-mortar churches in modern history. Many have not had attendance for more than a year. And they cannot or have not truly leveraged their web or social media presence for growth. In fact, based on our observations many of them, even their social media viewership has declined after the initial days.  Concerning Brick and Mortar attendance, there are still many attendees who are fearful, and others have discovered replacement activities for Sunday.”

According to DavidSon who is also a retired Quality Management Professional, Change-agent, nearly every industry has the same challenge and only those who embrace the challenge and make the appropriate revisions will succeed and excel. “Yes, there are those with extremely deep pockets and large congregations, they are more likely to continue. Even some mega-class churches will be destabilized.  Those that have embraced web-based delivery as a core ministry are way ahead. Recognizing the imperative nature of web-based ministry, some churches have staffed a Pastor of Social Media. However, there are many technicalities making web-based ministry very different. It’s fatal to force many brick-and-mortar concepts into a web-based social media platform. It's much more involved than turning a switch.  And our model is a daily Biblical model, as opposed to a once or twice a week traditional model.”

DavidSon is a pioneer in web-based ministry since the mid-90s. “This was so natural for us. The Pandemic made us far more appealing in many ways. And because this was already our core methodology of ministry delivery it’s been seamless. As Amazon is to the old anchor store chain, this is what we and others like us are to the brick-and-mortar church. The beauty of it is that we’ve not scratched the surface of all that’s available. "

DavidSon's ministry hosted an online award, credentialing, and graduation ceremony capturing over a half-million viewers during and after the Resurrection Day-Eve program. The program featured recognition such as Pastor Bev's Relentless Followers named after one of the ministry's leaders who passed suddenly last year (non-Covid related).  It also awarded persons for Boldness (for Christ) in Social Media as well as credentialing and degree graduates. "By the way, unlike Amazon, this is not about competition, it is about excelling for Christ. Enlarging His kingdom...”

DavidSon’s Amazing Things The Church Facebook page has a 31-minute video sharing many principles in Social Media. This kind of proprietary information consultants charge thousands to share and train. It’s available to paid subscribers for 2.99 a month. The contribution also provides for Christ-based Counseling credentials, training certification, and degree programs. The video is only visible to subscribers.  “It’s our desire if called upon to help those we can. The Survival of many depend on it...”

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Categories : Education , Health , Media , Religion , Technology
Tags : Dr Steven Davidson , Nation's Christ-based Learder , Christ-based Counseing , Christ-based Education , Amazing Things The Church

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