The Baphomet Seance creating havoc among religious groups and authorities

The Baphomet Seance banned film is about to rereleased once again amid protests from various religious groups and local authorities.

Los Angeles, California Mar 10, 2025 (  - The Baphomet Seance Movie creating Havoc again

In 1983 the film the Baphomet Seance was banned during the height of the Satanic panic for sharing rituals and practices from the occult. The movie is about to be relaunched yet protestors are mounting a campaign once again to stop it citing police reports from 1983 that expose the dangers of the film. 

The Baphomet Seance represents itself to be an instructional video on how to conduct a seance and talk with the dead. Some claim it connects a person with the devil.

The following original report substantiates the position from authorities and local religious leaders for once again banning the film: 

**Case Number:** 5479-XYB   

**Date:** October 23, 1983 

**Time:** 09:00 AM  

**Officer:** Detective Eliza Hamilton, Case Investigator  

**Location:** City Police Department, Westside Branch  

**Incident Type:** Investigation into allegations related to "The Baphomet Seance"  

On October 20, 1983, the City Police Department received an alarming series of reports regarding unusual and disturbing activities linked to a recently released horror film titled *The Baphomet Seance*. The film, described by its distributors as a psychological thriller, has raised significant public concern due to its controversial themes involving satanic rituals, false seances, the use of Ouija boards, and alleged demonic possession. The concerns have escalated as several citizens have reported being affected by these themes in ways that range from mental distress to physical harm, with some claiming the movie has had a direct influence on the disappearance of individuals.

The following report outlines the various complaints and concerns raised by local citizens, as well as the ongoing investigation into the potential impact the film may have had on individuals in the community. As of this report, no physical evidence has directly tied the film itself to criminal activity; however, the sheer number of reports and the similarity of the claims have raised serious questions.

**I. Initial Complaints and Citizen Reports:**

At approximately 10:00 PM on October 20, 1983, a distress call was made by a resident of the Westside neighborhood, Ms. Clara Jennings. Ms. Jennings, an apparent film enthusiast, stated that she had viewed *The Baphomet Seance* at a local cinema, where several audience members began to exhibit strange behaviors during the screening. She reported that one woman, seated two rows ahead of her, stood up suddenly and began chanting unintelligible words, while a man in the back of the theater began to scream as though in severe pain. When Ms. Jennings attempted to intervene, she described an overwhelming sense of dread and fear which seemed to be shared by others in the theater. As a result, the screening was abruptly stopped by the theater manager, and the police were called.

Upon arrival, officers interviewed several individuals who had attended the screening. Most of the witnesses described experiencing a sudden emotional shift, with some stating that they felt an inexplicable connection to dark or malevolent forces. Statements from attendees ranged from vague expressions of fear to more specific claims, including feeling as though they were being "watched by something otherworldly."

**II. Investigating the Theater Incident:**

Upon investigating the theater incident, authorities obtained footage from security cameras, which depicted an audience growing visibly uncomfortable during certain scenes of the film. Most notably, at approximately 30 minutes into the movie, the footage shows a rapid escalation of anxiety among the attendees, with several individuals visibly fidgeting, covering their eyes, and even leaving the theater early. Strangely, no one appeared to leave in a calm and orderly manner—many were observed rushing to the exits in what appeared to be a panic.

Additionally, a separate review of the film showed a highly disturbing sequence of scenes, including the invocation of occult symbols, graphic depictions of satanic rituals, and the summoning of demonic entities through a series of highly specific and detailed methods. Although the film’s creators had claimed these were fictional representations of ceremonial practices, it is worth noting that some of the symbols and rituals depicted in the film are rooted in real occult practices, which has raised further concerns.

In light of these findings, Detective Hamilton reached out to a local religious leader, Father Joseph Harrow, who specializes in exorcisms and spiritual counseling. Father Harrow confirmed that some of the rituals shown in *The Baphomet Seance* closely resemble occult practices used by cults that engage in dangerous, dark rituals.

**III. The Ouija Board Phenomenon:**

Following the theater incident, multiple individuals came forward with additional concerns regarding the use of Ouija boards in their homes. Several reports, dating from the time of the film's release, describe people engaging with Ouija boards in an attempt to "contact spirits," allegedly inspired by the events portrayed in *The Baphomet Seance*. These individuals—many of whom were previously unaware of the dangers associated with such occult tools—reported that they had experienced unsettling phenomena after using the boards.

One such report was made by Robert and Jennifer Langston, a married couple who stated that after watching the film, they were compelled to purchase a Ouija board at a local shop. They claimed that after performing a session, their home became plagued by unusual occurrences, such as objects being moved without explanation, doors slamming shut, and unexplained cold drafts. In a particularly disturbing incident, Jennifer Langston described feeling "possessed" during one session, claiming that her body moved on its own and her voice changed to sound "unnaturally deep and cold."

Subsequent reports have mirrored this experience, with individuals reporting feelings of aggression, confusion, and an overwhelming sense of malevolent energy in their homes. As a result, a number of victims have requested spiritual assistance from local religious groups, while others have sought psychological evaluations to address the psychological effects these experiences have had on their mental health.

**IV. Missing Persons:**

Perhaps the most alarming development in this investigation has been the increasing number of missing persons reports in the weeks following the release of *The Baphomet Seance*. As of October 20, 1983, five people are officially listed as missing, all of whom have ties to the film in one way or another. The most recent case, involving 24-year-old Emily Parks, occurred two days after she attended a midnight screening of the film. According to friends and family, Emily had been "deeply affected" by the movie, mentioning several times that she "felt a calling" to the film's demonic themes and rituals. On the night she disappeared, she was last seen leaving her apartment to attend a screening of the film with a group of friends. The group never returned from the theater, and when they were last heard from, they mentioned that Emily had wandered off after the screening, seemingly entranced.

The remaining missing persons cases have been similarly troubling. Each individual reportedly became fascinated with the occult after viewing *The Baphomet Seance*, often seeking out occult literature, summoning rituals, and Ouija boards in the weeks leading up to their disappearance. The patterns in these cases are growing increasingly suspicious, suggesting a link between the film's influence and the people’s subsequent vanishing.

**V. Allegations of Demonic Possession:**

The most disturbing reports, however, have been those involving allegations of demonic possession. Several individuals, most notably two teenagers from the Eastwood area, have alleged that they have been "possessed" by an entity after watching *The Baphomet Seance*. The teenagers, Olivia Roberts (16) and Daniel King (17), both claimed to have been influenced by the film's depiction of possession, stating that they could "feel something inside them," describing the presence of "a dark force." These two cases, as well as others, have prompted religious organizations to intervene.

Father Joseph Harrow performed an exorcism on Olivia Roberts, and his report, although confidential, strongly suggests that the girl had displayed signs of possession—speaking in languages she did not know and demonstrating extreme strength. However, skeptics argue that the symptoms may be linked to mass hysteria or psychological trauma rather than demonic possession.

In addition, police have interviewed several witnesses who claim to have seen individuals exhibiting highly unusual behavior, including contorting their bodies in unnatural ways, speaking in foreign tongues, and exhibiting heightened aggression toward others.

**VI. Investigative Findings and Potential Lead:**

At present, there is no clear physical evidence linking *The Baphomet Seance* to any criminal activity. However, the frequency of reports involving Ouija boards, occult practices, missing persons, and alleged demonic possession suggests that further investigation is needed to determine whether there is any truth to the claims of the film’s influence.

Detective Hamilton has consulted with paranormal experts, including occult scholars and spiritual practitioners, to gain further insight into the reported phenomena. The results of these consultations indicate that there may be a link between the specific content of the film and the actions taken by individuals who were influenced by it. Several experts have noted that the symbolism and rituals depicted in the film are consistent with those of real-world occult practices, and that individuals who are particularly susceptible to suggestion may be more prone to acting out the behaviors portrayed in the film.

Additionally, the potential psychological effects of horror films in general—especially those with themes of possession and satanic ritual—are being considered by experts in mental health. It is possible that *The Baphomet Seance* has triggered pre-existing psychological conditions in some viewers, contributing to their distress and irrational behavior.

**VII. Conclusion:**

While no direct legal violations have been linked to the film as of yet, the surge in bizarre incidents tied to *The Baphomet Seance* warrants continued investigation. It is crucial to further examine the cultural and psychological impacts that films with controversial and disturbing content can have on individuals, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to suggestion or influenced by occult themes.

The police department is working closely with mental health professionals, spiritual leaders, and occult experts to determine the best course of action for dealing with the fallout from this film. The safety of the public remains the department's primary concern, and the investigation into these mysterious and disturbing events will continue.

As of now, the case remains open, and further updates will be provided as new information is gathered.

**Filed by:** Detective Eliza Hamilton  

**Date:** October 23, 1983

**End of Report**

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Tags : The Baphomet Seance , Satanic Panic , Banned Movies , Scariest movie ever made , Horror Movies , seances , occult , satanism

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