The Best Psychological Thriller Novel You've Never Heard Of

A Thriller With Twists Better Than Gone Girl!

New York City, New York Jul 24, 2020 (  - *** This Who Done It Psychological Thriller Will Keep You Guessing Until the Very End ***

*** A Dark Suspense with Twists Better Than Gone Girl! ***

Published just before Gone Girl, this little known riveting suspense book is a needle in a haystack. Get this kindle book from Amazon for only 2.99 on Amazon from Author John Mathews, ahead of his next two New Releases coming out later this year!

Five Star Reviews!

"Almost from the start it becomes evident that Tammy has planned Stephen's demise in order to inherit his millions. Author John Mathews provides abundant clues to make sure that this is what we think. And it's true. She has plotted his death. But what we're not prepared for are the twists and turns in the plot from this point on, Tammy soon becomes aware that someone is trying to harm and possibly kill her. She suspects that Stephen hasn't died after all and that he's trying to get back at her. But this is just the beginning. As the story unfolds the reader becomes more and more baffled as to what is going on"

"A fast paced thriller, this will have you on the edge of your seat. Every character we are introduced to, including the daughter, has a hidden agenda of their own. "

A Game of Greed and Deception


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Categories : Books
Tags : thriller books , suspense books , psychological thriller , gone girl , murder mystery , thriller with twists , best plot twists
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