The Clean Hand launches to Protect Yourself!

The Clean Hand Inc. of Natick, Massachusetts is presenting a new multi-purpose PPE-Like device to help people avoid surface contact and germs amid the widescale spread of Covid-19 and other viruses.

Natick, Massachusetts Aug 10, 2020 (  - The Clean Hand

Viruses, germs, and now the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the world, especially within the United States. One of the major hurdles in curbing the spread of COVID-19 has been maintaining a superior degree of health and hygiene. Medical experts know the best way to avoid coming into contact with COVID-19 or any virus is to minimize or eliminate contact with surfaces that we touch on a daily basis; door handles, light switches, elevator buttons, ATM machines, public bathrooms, shopping carts, and many other surfaces. The Clean Hand Inc. has come up with a unique multi-function key-like PPE tool that allows you to PUSH, PULL, & ENGAGE these surfaces without any hand or finger contact. “the cleanhand will reduce your exposure to germs, viruses and diseases.

The Clean Hand: Background
The founders of “the cleanhand” developed this idea several months before the COVID-19 crisis. 
We were disgusted when we were in a public restroom, an airplane, a hotel, or any public place, that when touching a variety of surfaces like handles, switches and doors that these surfaces were not clean. We knew that germs, viruses, and diseases lingered on them only waiting for us to pick them up with our hands or fingers. We recognized the need for this PPE-like device in places like stores, schools, restaurants, airports, hotels, casinos, and many more. We realized this device could have other benefits like helping the environment decrease the use of gloves and wipes. Overuse of hand sanitizer or wipes can result in dry skin and may become antibiotic resistant.

Then it clicked; we had to be part of this solution against viruses, germs and diseases, and “the cleanhand” was created. Kiras Persky  Co-Founder,

Effective & Affordable Personal Protection DevicesThe multi-purpose device is crafted from high-quality ABS plastic and is dishwasher safe. It is a small non-conductive device that is travel-friendly. “the cleandhand” is a unique patent pending multi-purpose PPE device manufactured in the United States. This product is recommended for anyone over the age of five, and easily fits in one's pocket.  It is affordable, easy to use, and extremely effective. It is fair to say that “thecleanhand” is indeed doing its part in helping curb the spread of the pandemic.  

Paying it forward... “the cleanhand” team announced that every time a device is sold, it donates to the following four charities - Tunnels to Towers, Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors, St, Jude Children’s Hospital, and Shriners Hospital for Children.  

To know more about the product, its usability and other details, please visit The Clean Hand official website, or watch this self-explanatory video.






Media Contact

Dr. Adam Persky (702) 420-2633 82N MAIN STREET

Source : The Clean Hand Inc

Categories : Health
Tags : no germs , the clean hand , dont touch , germ free , quarantine , covid

The Clean Hand INc

THE CLEAN HAND “thecleanhand”, is a unique, flexible, strong, durable, patent pending and American made Personal Protective Device-Like (Push-Pull-Engage), invented by a family’s obsession of fighting off germs and covid-19. Black in color, made of ABS high quality plastic and dishwasher safe. Recommended for anyone around the world over the age of 5, it decreases the risk of transmitting and receiving germs, viruses and diseases by reducing hand and finger contact on a daily basis together with reducing the need for protective personal gear such as gloves.
Massachusetts, Natick
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