The Nation’s Largest Stand-alone Virtual Church Offers Hope to the 'Unchurched’ World

Dallas, Texas Apr 24, 2021 (  - Targeting church-saturated areas for a mega-church satellite, could be considered scavenging. It is the approach when a mega-church launches a satellite-church into a church-saturated area capturing attendees from other local churches.

According to Dr Steven DavidSon the Nation’s Christ-based Leader and Sr. Leader of the nation’s largest ‘stand-alone’ virtual Church, there has to be a more pragmatic approach. “Let’s not wrestle with this. The mega-church has a name in the community and resources. Perhaps availability to their admirers in a metropolitan or region appears reasonable, and other rationale. And the existing churches do not offer what they provide. But the reality is, it’s not a major effort resulting in reaching the ‘unchurched.’ The day they open, it’s local people from surrounding churches who view them as the new and better option with the name-brand, entertainment and 'amenities.' This is particularly accurate for younger church-goers. These ministries know the data as we do. “

According to DavidSon, the approach of targeting those belonging to other churches is not new.

“No, sadly it is very familiar to those who have been in ministry for decades. It’s precisely the behavior charged against major cults in the 1960s and 1970s ostensibly targeting persons with church-experience. And when considering what Covid has done, it has created ‘church-hoping’ on steroids. It’s not developing disciples, which requires time and discipline, it’s populous sensationalism with questionable value in the Kingdom. Our question is would it not be more community-centric to sponsor a like-church (denominationally, culturally, etc.) in the area by establishing a ministry relationship and providing the same resources and guidance? Or alternatively, planting a church!"

DavidSon is not being bitter. He’s being candid, analytical, and Christ-based. He leads a rarity, literally a mega-virtual church without a brick and mortar campus or campus-following, targeting the most ‘unchurched’ parts of the globe. He’s been in ministry for over five decades and his Amazing Things The Church Ministry is nearly three decades old. Pioneering in web-based ministry since the 1990s, the ministry delivers a Christ-based enterprise of Christian discipling, institute level and advanced education and development through several informational sites. The ministry has more than twenty-five thousand attendees a day on the ministry’s social media pages and reaches over 1.5 million monthly worldwide without a brick and mortar campus. It has live daily programming, including a live Sunday message and virtual education for almost every age, but no degree of entertainment...or other popular mega-trappings. It is a virtual operation in every sense of the term. 

He demonstrates how and why the unchurched global strategy of Amazing Things The Church is so important  “If we used the same Satellite-concept of many of these ministries, we would target areas already saturated. What’s shared here is based on research revealing the overwhelming focus of Protestant activities are on fifteen percent of the world’s population. And one-third of that is on the United States with only three-percent of the world’s population. Our experience is that the over-saturation and immense multi-ideological “Christian” environment is devastating. It has resulted in mass antagonism in the form of more Atheists, Agnostics, and Apostates than what we experience anywhere else on the globe.  If we are serving the same Jesus of Nazareth, we should not scavenge each other with a corporate take-over mentality. There are nearly eight billion people in the world. Churches in the United States support missionaries abroad, and some nations don’t allow or limit on-the-ground missionaries. However, it is not a reason to resort to ministry cannibalization. God has provided marvelous capability tantamount to drone delivery. If we can do it, certainly these mega-campus operations that are not doing so can do likewise.” 

There is a brief 'concepts' video available to subscribers-only for ministry leaders and staff desiring more information about employing Amazing Things The Church outreach and targeting capabilities located on the Facebook, Amazing Things The Church page.


About The Ministry 

DavidSon has been in Christian ministry for more than five decades. He's the author, and developer of the Christ-based Counseling modality, and other Christ-based books in counseling and education. DavidSon also served the nation bi-vocationally in the military (working in the intelligence field), and as a civilian for more than forty years. He was distinguished for his outstanding contributions by President Ronald Reagan, and Agency leaders during the period as a civilian employee. He performed as a Quality Management Professional (process improvement, change-agent).  He’s also presently Executive Pastor of the New Beginnings Church in Lewisville, TX (Southern Baptist Convention, Joseph Fields, Sr. Pastor).

The Christ-based Enterprise:

Christ-based Hub to 22 Web locations (Hub to all other sites),(Disciple’s development program) (online Seminaries)

Amazing Things The Church, Stand Alone Virtual (Daily attendance more than 25,000 a day). Daily programming (live), Biblical and Ministry Education courses, Thursday Disciple Cell (Small group, live), Sunday Message (live), attendees from every continent (i.e., Antarctica).

Top 5 Online Churches

One Hundred, US Highest "Weekly" Attendance Churches 


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Amazing Things The Church (a Christ-based Ministry) 7137758824 4251 FM 2181, Suite 230-437
Categories : Education , Family , Non-profit , Religion , Technology
Tags : Dr Steven DavidSon , Nation's Christ-based Leader , Leading-edge Christian educator , Amazing Things The Church

Amazing Things The Church (a Christ-based Ministry)
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