San Jose, California Mar 10, 2019 ( - Politics plays an ever important role in everyone’s life - from immigration to education. In the Democratic Republic like the United States, the citizens are responsible for making decisions. In order to make good decisions, though, people need to know what the decision will change, and if they want that change or not?
A study by the Knight Foundation recently showed that 92% of conservatives and 43% of liberals have lost their trust in the media. Many cited media biases, inaccuracies, and fake reporting.
But how can people make decisions if they can’t trust news sources?
Most people don’t have the time to research every single topic and dig through thousands of government records to seek the truth.
The Bipartisan Press, a bipartisan news website, recently launched their contributor program, is aimed at giving readers a chance to share their opinion and see what other people from other sides think.
Instead of focusing on influencing an election, or promoting a party, The Bipartisan Press’s goal is to educate people on politics.
Last quarter, major media companies like The New York Times made hundreds of millions in revenue, from advertising and subscriptions. Many media companies also lock their content behind a paywall.
However, The Bipartisan Press works on a free to read basis, and shares its revenue with its authors - so they get paid based on how good their story is.
Instead of just publishing an article, The Bipartisan Press also labels each article with their bias - therefore, readers know exactly which side an article is leaning towards.
The Bipartisan Press also publishes articles where two different people from two different sides comment on the same issue.
“In an age where media is basically everything, it's important to have clear, transparent, and bipartisan reporting,” says Jacobs Martin, a political analyst.
“My biggest goal is voter education - for both conservatives and liberals alike. I want to help people know what's happening and what the different parties think. The second goal would be to give normal people a voice. I mean, you don’t have to be a journalist to have an opinion, “ says Julian, the founder of The Bipartisan Press.
Julian then says, “I have high hopes for The Bipartisan Press. I really feel we need a more transparent news source. I hope that it can appeal to the general public and give everyone a chance to share their opinions and see what others think while getting featured in the news and getting paid.”
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