The Shine Hope Company Celebrates Historic UN Vote Establishing International Day of Hope, Despite U.S. Opposition

Chicago, Illinois Mar 13, 2025 (  - The Shine Hope Company, a long-time advocate for Hope as a critical factor in mental health and well-being, celebrates the passage of the United Nations resolution A/79/L.54, establishing July 12th as the International Day of Hope. After years of advocacy by The Shine Hope Company and its founder, Kathryn Goetzke, the resolution passed with overwhelming support–161 countries in favor, four abstentions (India, Paraguay, Peru, and Türkiye), and a single vote against: the United States. The Shine Hope Company invites individuals and communities to celebrate the International Day of Hope by measuring their hope score, planting sunflowers as a symbol of resilience, teaching Hope skills to youth, and joining the Five-Day Global Hope Challenge. To learn more about participating in the Hope movement, sign up at for more updates.  

Kathryn Goetzke, Founder of iFred, CEO of The Shine Hope Company, and representative at the UN for the World Federation for Mental Health, was present at the voting ceremony and has been instrumental in championing the need for a global day dedicated to Hope.  “We wait far too long to address violence, addiction, suicide, and mental health disorders. Most don't realize that Hope is measurable and teachable, and this International Day of Hope now allows us to elevate the science of Hope and ensure all are equipped with skills to proactively manage moments of hopelessness and find their way to Hope,” said Kathryn. Hope predicts graduation rates, workplace retention, safety, lifespan, health outcomes, and even sports performance. Hope is critical for life, yet we are never taught ‘how’ to Hope. We must change that.”

The UN resolution underscores the global significance of Hope, acknowledging its role in sustainable development, economic equity, and human well-being. H.E. Mr. Teburoro Tito, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kiribati to the UN, emphasized the urgency of this initiative in his address: “Hope is not merely an abstract idea, it is the heartbeat of progress, the light that guides us through adversity, and the foundation upon which peace and sustainable development are built. It is in this spirit that we present this resolution to establish July 12 as the International Day of Hope, a day that will serve as a global symbol of perseverance, unity, and the unwavering belief that a better world is within our reach. This resolution is more than a symbolic gesture; it is a call to action.”

Despite global consensus, the U.S. voted against the resolution, with a representative citing concerns over its similarities to existing UN days and references to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Kathryn responded, “While I'm deeply disappointed in the United States for actively voting against a critical need, it makes me even more determined to do what's in my power to ensure all celebrate this day. We have a youth mental health crisis in our country, with over 57% of girls and 40% of all youth in the United States experiencing persistent hopelessness. We are failing our children. It is time our country takes action to ensure all know ‘how’ to hope.”

The Shine Hope Company has led global efforts to teach hope as a skill through its evidence-based Five Keys to Shine Hope framework, which is a mnemonic for Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges. The Hopeful Minds program, an evidence-based program aimed at teaching hope, had over 2500 downloads. Research on the Hopeful Minds course found that children who took the course experienced improvements in anxiety, depression, resilience, positive emotion, confidence, self-belief, reduced negative emotion, emotional control, stoicism, social support seeking, self-care, and new coping skills. Moreover, we need hope to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the UN because teaching hope leads to the motivation to set and pursue goals and initiate actions, which are all skills critical for attaining the SDGs.

The company has also worked to embed hope into communities using its Five Keys to Shine Hope framework through its Hopeful Cities Initiative, which has already launched in Reno, Las Vegas, and Chicago. The organization remains steadfast in its mission to cultivate hope through an evidence-based framework grounded in science, which shows that hope is measurable, teachable, and can be developed to support mental wellness. Chicago’s commitment to the Hope movement was recently recognized by Mayor Brandon Johnson, who issued a formal proclamation honoring The Shine Hope Company for their work and declaring the city’s dedication to Hope as a transformative tool for mental health and community well-being. 

With the International Day of Hope now an official UN observance, The Shine Hope Company remains committed to expanding its programming to ensure everyone knows ‘how’ to hope. All are encouraged to measure their Hope score and develop skills to cultivate hope in their homes, families, and neighborhoods.  As the international symbol of hope, sunflowers are a powerful reminder, inspiring people to plant gardens, paint murals, create art, teach Hope skills, and celebrate the science, stories, and strategies that foster hope worldwide.

Media Contact

Theresa Ashford | Ashford Media Group 315.778.7636 Chicago, Illinois

Source : The Shine Hope Company

Categories : Education , Government , Health , Research , Society
Tags : Hope , Mental Health , Prevention , International Day of Hope , United Nations , United States , UN Resolution , Shine Hope , The Shine Hope Company , Sustainable Development Goals

The Shine Hope Company

The Shine Hope Company’s mission is to empower all by teaching scientifically informed and evidence-based methods that cultivate hope. Through their educational resources, tools, and activations, they aim to inspire individuals to foster positive feelings and take inspired action, measuring their progress in nurturing and sustaining hope in their... lives. Visit to find out more.Read more
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