UK AI Summit: Countries Pledge to Handle Potential ‘Catastrophic’ Risks

London, United Kingdom Nov 3, 2023 (  - Technology developers and political leaders have warned that AI poses huge risks if it is not handled with proper supervision. It can risk consumer privacy and can endanger humankind. Leading AI developers have agreed to work in accord with government officials. As per the reports, any developer has to test new frontier models under the supervision of government authorities before the prototype is released to the masses. This will help to manage the risks of this rapidly growing technology. This has been a benchmark achievement for the UK Artificial Intelligence Summit.

The summit brought around 100 politicians, academics, and developers to design a way that will allow the world to use AI without any risks. But, barring a technology to flourish is not something the human race is known for, and this summit has made sure that they come to a conclusion that will help the technology to be built completely but safely.

Some tech and several political leaders also have warned the world about the negative aspects that AI can bring soon. But to restrict that from happening one has to keep a close eye on the development of AI and control it properly. The risks can erode consumer privacy and it can also cause catastrophe, concerning every government of the world.

On this British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak declared this UK AI Summit is “a landmark achievement that sees the world’s greatest AI powers agree on the urgency behind understanding the risks of AI – helping ensure the long-term future of our children and grandchildren.”

Yoshua Bengio, named as a Godfather of AI, is going to help deliver a “State of the Science" report stating all the risks and capabilities of full-functioning AI. And to this Sunak added, "Until now the only people testing the safety of new AI models have been the very companies developing it," to his official statement. "We shouldn't rely on them to mark their own homework, as many of them agree", he also added. Yet the concluding portion is yet to happen with Sunak and the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk in two days.


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Daniel Martin
Categories : Science , Technology
Tags : Technology , Artificial Intelligence

Daniel Martin

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