Upcoming British actor, Craig Edwards is expected to start working on new TV series, 'Swords of Scavelia'

London, United Kingdom Jul 6, 2020 (Issuewire.com)  - Upcoming British actor, Craig Edwards is expected to start working on new TV series, "Swords of Scavelia" playing the role of the Knight Lazabal, once lockdowns and restrictions ease in the UK. It's also been confirmed that Edwards will also be working on a new documentary series that he will be hosting "A Haunted History". Edwards confirmed that this documentary would explore different supposedly haunted areas and buildings in the UK and explore the history of the site, delving into just why it may be haunted... spooky! In 2021 Craig will also begin filming on a new US Sci-fi production "One Nation" in America.

Exciting stuff coming your way, keep an eye out for these shows coming to Netflix and Amazon prime soon. If you can't wait that long, you can check out a couple of his films already on Amazon prime, such as 'The House of Screaming Death' and 'The Missing'.



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Dominic Grey veentertainmentonline@gmail.com

Source : Craig Edwards

Categories : Entertainment , Movies
Tags : Craig Edwards , British Actor , "Swords of Scavelia" , T.V Series
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